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" They who would prove religion by reason, do but weaken the cause which they endeavour to support, it is to take away the pillars from our faith, and to prop it only with a twig... "
The Works of the British Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical - Σελίδα 67
επεξεργασία από - 1795
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The Miscellaneous Works: Containing All His Original Poems, Tales ..., Τόμος 1

John Dryden - 1760 - 448 σελίδες
...it is infinite ; as if infinite were definable, or infinity a fubject for our narrow underftanding. They who would prove religion by reafon, do but weaken...defign a tower like that of Babel, which if it were poffible, as it is not, to reach heaven, would come to nothing by the confufion of the workmen. For...

The Miscellaneous Works of John Dryden, Esq: Containing All His Original ...

John Dryden - 1767 - 318 σελίδες
...it is infinite ; as if infinite were definable, or infinity a fubjecl for cur narrow underftanding. They who would prove religion by reafon, do but weaken...pillars from our faith, and to prop it only with a twis*; it is to defign a tower like that of Babel, which if it were poffible, as it is not, to reach...

Original Poems, Τόμος 1

John Dryden - 1773 - 260 σελίδες
...it is infinite ; as if infinite were definable, or infinity a fubject for our narrow underftanding. They, who would prove religion by reafon, do but weaken the caufe which they erdcavour to fuppoit: 'Tis to take away the pillar from our faith, and to prop it only with a twig...

Bell's Edition, Τόμοι 41-42

John Bell - 1777 - 636 σελίδες
...understanding. They who would prove religion by reason do hut weaken the cause which they endeavour to support : it is to take away the pillars from our faith, and to prop it only with a twig ; it is to design a tower like that of Babel, which, if it were possible (as it is not) to reach heav'n, would...

The Works of the English Poets: Dryden

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 350 σελίδες
...it is infmite ; as if infin:te were definable, or infinity a fubject for our narrow underftanding. They who would prove religion by reafon, do but weaken...defign a tower like that of Babel, which if it were poffible, as it is not, to reach heaven, would come to nothing by the confuf:on of the workmen. For...

The Works of the English Poets: Dryden

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 336 σελίδες
...fubjeft for our narrow underftanding; They who would prove religion by reafon, do but weaken the-caufe which they endeavour to fupport : it is to take away...defign a tower like that of Babel, which if it were poffible, as it is not, to reach heaven, would come to nothing by the confuf:on of the workmen. For...

The Works of the English Poets: Dryden

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 338 σελίδες
...by reafon, do but weaken the canfe which they endeavour to fupport : it is to take away the p:llars from our faith, and to prop it only with a twig ;...defign a tower like that of Babel, which if it were poffible, as it is not, to reach heaven, would come to nothing by the confufion of the workmen. For...

The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and ..., Τόμοι 13-14

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 672 σελίδες
...our narrow mulcTlhnding. They who would prove religion hy reafon, do but weaken the caule which liny endeavour to fupport: it is to take away the pillars...from our faith, and to prop it only with a twig; it it to delijJn a tower like that of Babel, which if it were poflible, as it is not, to reach heaven,...

The Works of the English Poets

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 342 σελίδες
...it is infinite ; as if infinite were definable, or infinity a fubject for our narrow underftanding. They who would prove religion by reafon, do but weaken the caufe which they endeavour to fupport i it is to take away the pillars from our faith, and to prop it only with a twig ; it is to defign...

The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and ..., Τόμος 13

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 360 σελίδες
...it is infinite ; as if infinite were definable, or infinity a fubjeft for our narrow underftanding. They who would prove religion / by reafon, do but weaken the caufe which th«y endea- / vour to fupporti it is to take away the pillars from ourj faith, and to prop it only...

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