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Βιβλία Βιβλία
" Law they require, let law then show her face ; They could not be content to look on grace, Her hinder parts, but with a daring eye To tempt the terror of her front, and die. By their own arts 'tis righteously decreed, Those dire artificers of death shall... "
The Works of the British Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical - Σελίδα 43
επεξεργασία από - 1795
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The First Part of Miscellany Poems: Containing Variety of New Translations ...

John Dryden - 1716 - 424 σελίδες
...Beware the Fnry of a Patient Man. ift ABSA.tJDM and ACHITOPHEL. Law they require, let Law then fliew her Face;, They could not be content to look on Grace...a daring Eye To tempt the Terror of her Front, and Dye. By their own Arts, 'tis Rightcoufly decreed, Thofe dite Artificers of Death fliall bleed. AgaLnft...

The first (-sixth) part of Miscellany poems, publ. by Mr. Dryden, Μέρος 1

Miscellany poems - 1716 - 426 σελίδες
...by my Mercy fcan '. Beware the Fury of a Patient Man. law they require, let Law then (hew her Face j They could not be content to look on Grace Her hinder...Parts, but with a daring Eye To tempt the Terror of her Fiont, and Dye. By their owa Arts, 'tis Righteoufly decreed, Thofe dire Artificers of Death (hall bleed....

The Miscellaneous Works: Containing All His Original Poems, Tales ..., Τόμος 1

John Dryden - 1760 - 448 σελίδες
...my fear they by my mercy fcan ! Beware the fury of a patient man. Law they require, let law then mew her face ; They could not be content to look on grace,...righteoufly decreed, Thofe dire artificers of death fhall bleed. Againft themfelves their witneffes will fwear, 'Till viper-like their mother plot they...

The Lives of All the Earls and Dukes of Devonshire: Descended from the ...

Joseph Grove - 1764 - 506 σελίδες
...my fear they by my mercy fcan, Beware the fury of a patient man. Law they require, let law then fhew her face ; They could not be content to look on grace...a daring eye To tempt the terror of her front, and dye ; By their own arts, 'tis righteoufly decreed, Thofedire artificers of death (hall bleed. Againft...

The Miscellaneous Works of John Dryden, Esq: Containing All His Original ...

John Dryden - 1767 - 318 σελίδες
...require, let law then fhew her face ; Her hinder parts, but with a daring eye To tempt the terrour of her front and die. By their own arts 'tis righteoufly decreed, Thofe dire artificers of death fhall bleed. Againft themfelves their witnefies will fwear, 'Till viper-like their mother plot they...

Original Poems, Τόμος 1

John Dryden - 1773 - 260 σελίδες
...fear they by my merey fean! Beware the fury of a patient man. JLaw they require, let law then fhew her face ; They could not be content to look on grace,...righteoufly decreed, Thofe dire artificers of death fhall bleed. . Againft themfelves their witnelles will fwear, 'Till viper-like, their mother-plot they...

Bell's Edition, Τόμοι 41-42

John Bell - 1777 - 636 σελίδες
...they by my mercy scan I Beware the fury of a patient man. 1005 Law they require, let Law then shew her face; They could not be content to look on Grace Her hinder parts, hut with a daring eye To tempt the terror of her front, and die. By their own hearts, 'tis righteously...

The Works of the English Poets: Dryden

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 336 σελίδες
...fear they by my mercy fcan ! Beware the fury of a patient man. Law they require, let law then fhew her face ; They could not be content to look on grace,...righteoufly decreed, Thofe dire artificers of death mall bleed. Againft themfelves their witneffes will fwear, Till, viper-like, their mother plot they...

The Works of the English Poets: Dryden

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 338 σελίδες
...my fear they by my mercy fcan ! Beware the fury of a patient man. Law they require, let law then mew her face ; They could not be content to look on grace,...with a daring eye To tempt the terror of her front r.ml die. By their own arts 'tis righteoufly decreed, Thofe dire artificers of death mall bleed. Againft...

The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and ..., Τόμοι 13-14

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 672 σελίδες
...fear they by my mercy fcan ! Beware the fury of a patient man. Law they require, let law then fhew her face ; They could not be content to look on grace, Her hinder parts, but with a daring eye Xo tempt the terror of her front and die. By their own arts 'tis righteoufly decreed, Thofe dire artificers...

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