Juba commands Numidia's hardy troops, JUBA. Can such dishoneft thoughts Rise up in man! would'st thou seduce my youth SYPHA Χ. Gods! I could tear my beard to hear you talk! That draws in raw and unexperienced men JUBA. Would'st thou degrade thy prince into a ruffian ! The boasted ancestors of these great men, ! Your Your Scipio's, Cæfar's, Pompey's, and your Cato's, (These gods on earth) are all the spurious brood Of violated maids, of ravish'd Sabines. JUBA Syphax, I fear that hoary head of thine Abounds too much in our Numidian wiles. SYPHA Χ. Indeed, my Prince, you want to know the world, You have not read mankind, your youth admires JUBA. If knowledge of the world makes man perfidious, May Juba ever live in ignorance! Gods, must I tamely bear This arrogance unanswer'd! thour't a traitor, : I must appease this storm, or perish in it. [Afide Young prince, behold these locks that are grown white Beneath Beneath a helmet in your father's battles. JUBA. These locks shall ne'er protect thy insolence. Must one rash word, th' infirmity of age, Throw down the merit of my better years? This the reward of a whole life of service! -Curse on the boy! how steddily he hears me! [Afids. JUBA Is it because the throne of my fore-fathers Still stands unfill'd, and that Numidia's crown د Hangs doubtful yet, whose head it shall inclose, SYPHA Χ. Why will you rive my heart with such expressions? What are his aims? why does he load with darts Syphax, no more! I would not hear you talk. SYPHA Χ. Not hear me talk! what, when my faith to Juba, My royal master's son, is called in question? My Prince may strike me dead, and I'll be dumb : 1 But But whilst I live I must not hold my tongue, JUBA. 1 Thou know'st the way too well into my heart, I do believe thee loyal to thy Prince. SYPHA Χ. What greater instance can I give? I've offer'd To do an action, which my foul abhors, And gain you whom you love at any price. Was this thy motive? I have been too hasty. SYPHAΧ. And 'tis for this my Prince has call'd me traitor. Sure thou mistak'st, I did not call thee so. SYPHAX. You did indeed, my Prince, you call'd me traitor. Nay, further, threaten'd you'd complain to Cato. Of what, my Prince, wou'd you complain to Cato? That Syphax loves you, and wou'd facrifice His life, nay more, his honour, in your service. JUBA. Syphax, I know thou lov'st me; but indeed, Thy zeal for Juba carried thee too far. The noble mind's distinguishing perfection, That aids and strengthens virtue, where it meets her, : 1 And And imitates her actions where she is not: It ought not to be sported with. By heav'ns, SYPHA Χ. I'm ravish'd when you talk thus, tho' you chide me! Alas, I've hitherto been used to think A blind officious zeal to serve my king Syphax, thou now begin'st to speak thyself. SYPHA Χ. Believe me, Prince, you make old Syphax weep To hear you talk-but 'tis with tears of joy. Syphax, thy hand! we'll mutually forget Thy Prince esteems thy worth, and loves thy per son. If |