SCENE VI. SEMPRONIUS and the leaders of I LEADER. Sempronius, you have acted like yourself, One would have thought you had been half in earnest. SEMPRO NIU S.... Villain, stand off! bafe, groveling, worthless wretches, Mongrels in faction, poor faint-hearted traitors! 2 LEADER. Nay, now you carry it too far, Sempronius: Throw off the malk, there are none here but friends. SEMPRONIUS. Know, villains, when fuch paltry flaves prefume To mix in treafon, if the plot fucceeds, They're thrown neglected by: but if it fails, Here, taks these factious, monfters, drag 'em forth Enter Guards. 1 1. LEADER. Nay, fince it comes to this→→ SEM SEMPRONIUS. Dispatch 'em quick, but first pluck out their tongues, Left with their dying breath they fow sedition. [Exeunt guards with the leaders. SCENE VII. SY PHAX and SEM PRONIUS. SYPHA X. Our first defign, my friend, has prov'd abortive; SEMPRONIUS. Confufion! I have fail'd of half my purpose. Marcia, the charming Marcia's left behind! SYPHA X. How? will Sempronius turn a woman's flave! SEMPRONIUS. Think not thy friend can ever feel the soft Unmanly warmth, and tenderness of love. Syphax, I long to clasp that haughty inaid, And bend her stubborn virtue to my passion: When When I have gone thus far, I'd caft her off. SYPHA X. Well faid! that's spoken like thyself, Sempronius. What hinders then, but that thou find her out, And hurry her away by manly force? SEMPRONIUS. But how to gain admiffion? for access SYPHA X. Thou shalt have Juba's drefs, and Juba's guards: The doors will open, when Numidia's prince Seems to appear before the flaves, that watch them. SEMPRONIUS. Heav'ns! what a thought is there! Marcia's my own! How will my bofom fwell with anxious joy, To hell's tremendous gloom th' affrighted maid, There grimly fmil'd, pleas'd with the beauteous prize, Nor envy'd Jove his fun-fhine and his skies. [Exeunt ACT ACT IV. SCENE I LUCIA and MARCIA. LUCIA. OW tell me, Marcia, tell me from thy foul, N If woman If thou believ'ft 'tis poffible for woman To fuffer greater ills than Lucia fuffers MARCI A. O Lucia, Lucia! might my big-swoln heart Vent all its griefs, and give a loofe to forrow: Marcia could answer thee in fighs, keep pace With all thy woes, and count out tear for tear. LUCIA. I know thou'rt doom'd alike, to be belov'd By Juba, and thy father's friend Sempronius; But which of these has power to charm like Partius! MARCI A. Still I must beg thee not to name Sempronius ! Lucia, I like not that loud boist'rous man ; Juba to all the brav'ry of a hero Adds fofteft love, and more than female fweetness; Juba might make the proudest of our fex, Any of woman kind, but Marcia, happy. LUCIA. And why not Marcia? come, you strive in vain To hide your thoughts from one, who knows too well The inward glowings of a heart in love. MARCIA. While Cato lives, his daughter has no right To love or hate, but as his choice directs. LUCIA. But should this father give you to Sempronius? Marc. I dare not think he will: but if he fhou'd way! I hear the found of feet! they march this The woman that deliberates is loft. [Exeunt. SCENE |