SCENE II. SEMPRONIUS, drefs'd like JÚ BA, with Numidian guards. SEMPRONIUS. The deer is lodg'd, I've track'd her to her covert. you mind the word, and when I give it, Rush in at once, and feize upon your prey. Be fure Let not her cries or tears have force to move you. 'Twould be to torture that young gay barbarian. Through thofe his guards-hah, daftards, do you tremble FUBA. What do I fee? Who's this that dares ufurp The guards and habit of Numidia's prince? SEMPRONIUS. One that was born to fcourge thy arrogance, Prefumptuous youth! JUBA. JUBA. What can this mean? Sempronius! SEMPRONIUS. My fword fhall anfwer thee. Have at thy heart. JUBA. Nay, then beware thy own, proud barbarous man! [Semp. falls, His guards furrender. SEMPRONIUS. Curfe on my stars! Am I then doom'd to fall By a boy's hand, disfigur'd in a vile Numilian drefs, and for a worthless woman? Earth, fea, and air, and heav'n, and Cato tremble! JUBA. [Dies. With what a spring his furious foul broke loose, And left the limbs ftill quivering on the ground! [Exit Juba with prisoners, &c. SCENE SCENE III. LUCIA, MARCIA. LUCIA. Sure 'twas the clash of fwords; my troubled heart Is so cast down and funk amidst its sorrows, I die away MARCI A. fake!— See, Lucia, fee! here's blood! here's blood and murder? Hah! a Numidian! heavens preserve the Prince LUCIA. Now, Marcia, now call up to thy affistance Thy wonted strength, and constancy of mind; Thou can'ft not put it to a greater trial. MARCI A. Lucia, look there, and wonder at my patience. LUCIA. What can I think or fay to give thee comfort? MARCI A. Talk not of comfort, 'tis for lighter ills: Behold a fight, that strikes all comfort dead. Enter JUBA tening. I will indulge my forrows, and give way That man, that beft of men, deferv'd it from me. What do I hear? and was the falle Sempronius And cou'd have thus been mourn'd, I had been happy! Here will I ftand, companion in thy woes, MARGI A. 'Tis not in fate to ease my tortur'd breast. This empty world, to me a joyless defart, JU B. A. I'm on the rack! was he fo near her heart? MARCI A. O he was all made up of love and charms, VOL. II. A fecret A A fecret pleasure gladden'd all that faw him; I fhall run mad JUBA. MARCI A. O Juba! Juba! Juba! JUBA. What means that voice? did fhe not call on Juba? MARCI A. Why do I think on what he was! he's dead! And the last words he utter'd call'd me cruel! Where am I do I live! or am indeed What Marcia thinks! all is Elyfium round ine! MARCIA Ye dear remains of the moft lov'd of men! Nor modefty nor virtue here forbid A laft embrace, while thus JUBA. See, Marcia, fee, [Throwing himself before her. The happy Juba lives! he lives to catch That |