That dear embrace, and to return it too With mutual warmth and eagerness of love. MARCIA. With pleasure and amaze, I ftand transported! Sure 'tis a dream! dead and alive at once! If thou art Juba, who lies there? A wretch, JUBA. Difguis'd like Juba on a cars'd defign. MARCI A. I've been furpriz'd in an unguarded hour, JUBA. I'm loft in extafy! and doft thou love, Thou charming maid? JUBA. This, this is life indeed! life worth preferving, • Such life as Juba never felt till now!' MARCI A. Believe me, Prince, before Ithought thee dead, I did not know myself how much I lov'd thee. JUBA. ⚫ fortunate mistake! MARCI A. O happy Marcia! JUBA. My joy! my best belov'd! my only wish! How shall I fpeak the tranfport of my foul! MARCI A. Lucia, thy arm! oh let me reft upon it! It quite o'ercomes ine. Lead to my apartment. JUBA. [Ex. Marc. and Luc. I am fo bleft, I fear 'tis all a dream, Fortune, thou now haft made amends for all What What though Numidia add her conquer'd towns Juba will never at his fate repine; Let Cæfar have the world, if Marcia's mine. [Exit. SCENE IV. A March at a Distance. CATO, and LUCIUS. LUCIUS. I ftand astonish'd! what, the bold Sempronius ! That still broke foremost through the crowd of patriots, As with a hurricane of zeal tranfported, And virtuous ev'n to madness Trust me, Lucius, CATO. Our civil difcords have produced fuch crimes, Such monftrous crimes, I am furprized at nothing. -O Lucius, I am fick of this bad world! The day-light and the fun grow painful to me. PORTIU S. But fee where Partius comes! what means this hafte? Why are thy looks thus changed? Enter PORTIUS. My heart is griev'd. H 3 I bring The traitor Syphax, as within the square Perfidious men! but hafte, my fon, and fee 'Thy brother Marcus acts a Roman's part. [Exit Portiuş. LUCIU S. While pride, oppreffion, and injustice reign, The world will still demand her Cato's prefence. I pity to mankind, fubmit to Cæfar, And reconcile thy mighty foul to life. CATO. Would Lucius have me live to fwell the number Of Cafar's flaves, or by a base submission Give up the cause of Rome, and own a tyrant? LU. LUCIU S. The victor never will impofe on Cato Ungen'rous terms. His enemies confess The virtues of humanity are Cafar's. CATO. Curfe on his virtues! they've undone his country. But fee young Juba! the good youth appears LUCIU S. Alas, poor Prince! his fate deferves compaffion, Enter JUBA. JUBA. I blush, and am confounded to appear Before thy prefence, Cato. |