CATO. Alas, young Prince, Falshood and fraud shoot up in every foil The product of all climes-Rome has its Cæfars. JUBA "Tis gen'rons thus to comfort the distress'd. CATO. 1 'Tis just to give applaufe where 'tis deserv'd: Thy virtue, Prince, has stood the teft of fortune, Like purest gold, that, tortur'd in the furnace, Comes out more bright, and brings forth all its weight. JUBA. What shall I answer thee? my ravish'd heart Re-enter PORTIUS. PORTIUS. Misfortune on misfortune! grief on grief! My brother Marcus: CATO. Hah! what has he done? Has he forsook his post ? has he given way? PORTIUS. Scarce had I left my father, but I met him Borne on the shields of his surviving foldiers, Breath Breathless and pale, and cover'd o'er with wounds. He stood the shock of a whole hoft of foes, Till obstinately brave, and bent on death, I'm fatisfy'd.. CATO. PORTIUS. Nor did he fall before His sword had pierc'd through the false heart of Syphax. Yonder he lies. I saw the hoary traitor Grin in the pangs of death, and bite the ground. Thanks to the gods! my boy has done his duty! -Portius, when I am dead, be sure you place His urn near mine. PORTIUS. Long may they keep asunder! LUCIUS. O Cato, arm thy foul with all its patience; The citizens and fenators, alarm'd, Have gather'd round it, and attend it weeping. CATO meeting the Corps. Welcome, my fon! here lay him down, my friends, Full in my fight, that I may view at leifure The bloody corse, and count those glorious wounds. --Portius, behold thy brother, and remember JUBA. Was ever man like this! Alas, my friends! CATO [Afide Why mourn you thus? let not a private lofs The nurse of heroes, the delight of gods, O liberty! O virtue! Omy country! JUBA. Behold that upright man: Rome fills his eyes With tears, that flow'd not o'er his own dead fon. (Afide. CATO. Whate'er the Roman virtue has fubdu'd, The sun's whole course, the day and year, are Cæfar's. For him the self-devoted Decii dy'd, The The Fabii fell, and the great Scipio's conquer'd: Fall'n into Cæfar's hands! Our great fore-fathers JUBA. While Cate lives, Cæfar will blush to see Mankind enslaved, and be ashamed of empire. CATO. Cæfar ashamed! has not he seen Pharfalia? LUCIUS. Cato, 'tis time thou save thyself and us. CATO. I'm out of danger. Lofe not a thought on me. Cafar has mercy, if we ask it of him. Then ask it, I conjure you! let him know The The virtue of my friends may pass unpunish'd. Should I advise thee to regain Numidia, Or feek the conqueror JUBA. If I forfake thee While I live, may heaven abandon Juba! CATO. Thy virtues, Prince, if I forefee aright, Portius, draw near! My son, thou oft haft seen To my paternal feat, the Sabine field, Where the great Cenfor toil'd with his own hands, 'There live retired, pray for the peace of Rome, PORTIUS. I hope my father does not recommend A life to Portius, that he scorns himself. CATO. |