Demands to fee his friends. His fervants weeping, Το [The back scene opens, and difcovers Cato" MARCI A. O heaven, affift me in this dreadful hour pay the laft fad duties to my father. JUBA. These are thy triumphs, thy exploits, O Cæfar! LUCIUS. Now is Rome fallen indeed! [Cato brought forward in his chair. CATO. Here fet me down Portius, come near me-are my friends embark'd ? Whilst I yet live, let me not live in vain. -O Lucius, art thou here?-Thou art too good- Would not have match'd his daughter with a king, -I'm fick to death -O when shall I get loofe From this vain world, th' abode of guilt and forrow!- -And -And yet methinks a beam of light breaks in I've been too hafty. O ye pow'rs, that search The best may err, but you are good, and-oh! [Dies; There fled the greatest foul that ever warm'd From hence, let fierce contending nations know 'Tis this that flakes our country with alarms, [Exeunt omnes. EPILOGUE By Dr. GARTH. Spoken by Mrs. PORTER. WHAT odd fantaftic things we women do! Who wou'd not liften when young lovers woo? To give you pain, themfelves they punish moft. We give to merit, and to wealth we fell; With Blame Blame not our conduct, fince we but pursue Those lively leffons we have learn'd from you; Your breasts no more the fire of beauty warms, But wicked wealth ufurps the power of charms; What pains to get gaudy the thing you hate! To fwell in show, and be a wretch in state! At plays you ogle, at the ring you bows Even churches are no fanctuaries now: There, golden idols all your vows receive, She is no goddess that has nought to give. Oh, may once more the happy age appear, When words were artlefs, and the thoughts finceres When gold and grandeur were unenvy'd things, And courts lefs coveted than groves and springs, Love then shall only mourn when truth complains, And conftancy feel transport in its chains; Sighs with success their own foft anguish tell, And eyes fhall utter what the lips conceal: Virtue again to its bright ftation climb, And beauty fear no enemy but time; The fair fhall liften to defert alone, And every Lucia find a Cate's for To To Her ROYAL HIGHNESS the PRINCESS of WALES, With the Tragedy of CATO, Nov. 1714. T HE mufe that oft, with facred raptures fir'd," And, boldly rifing for Britannia's laws, No longer fhall the widow'd land bemoan Each heav'nly daughter's triumphs we prefage; Thou too, the darling of our fond defires, |