Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση

With manly valour and attractive air
Shalt quell the fierce, and captivate the fair.
O England's younger hope! in whom conspire
The mother's sweetness, and the father's fire ?
For thee perhaps, even now, of kingly race
Some dawning beauty blooms in every grace,
Some Carolina, to heav'n's dictates true,
Who, while the scepter'd rivals vainly sue,
Thy inborn worth with confcious eyes shall see,
And flight th' imperial diadem for thee.

Pleas'd with the profpect of successive reigns,
The tuneful tribe no more in daring strains
Shall vindicate, with pious fears opprest,
Endanger'd rights, and liberty distrest:
To milder founds each muse shall tune the lyre,
And gratitude, and faith to Kings infpire,
And filial love; bid impious discord cease,
And footh the madding factions into peace;
Or rise ambitious in more lofty lays,
And teach the nation their new monarch's praise,
Describe his awful look, and godlike mind,
And Cæfar's power with Cato's virtue join'd.

Mean-while, brightPRINCESS, who, with gracefuleafe
And native majesty art form'd to please,
Behold those arts with a propitious eye,
That fuppliant to their great protectress fly!:


Then shall they triumph, and the British stage
Improve her manners, and refine her rage,
More noble characters expose to view,
And draw her finish'd heroines from you.

Nor you the kind indulgence will refuse,
Skill'd in the labours of the deathless muse:
The deathless muse with undiminish'd rays
Through distant times the lovely dame conveys,
To Gloriana Waller's harp was strung;
The Queen still shines, because the Poet fung.
Even all those graces, in your frame combin'd,
The common fate of mortal charms may find;
(Content our short-liv'd praises to engage,
The joy and wonder of a single age)
Unless some Poet in a lasting song
To late pofterity their fame prolong,
Instruct our fons the radiant form to prize,
And fee your beauty with their fathers' eyes.



Vol. II facing pa. 153. PH. Saup

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