Of wit and parts above thy age; I'll do what I can PAGE. To surprise the false man. GRIDELINE. Of such a faithful spy I've need: * Go in, and if thy plot fucceed, Fair youth, thou may'st depend on this, GRIDELINE fola. Pr'ythee, Cupid, no more Ever charming, ever new! Deck'd with flow'rs of various dyes; Alleys in winding alleys left; کثر [Exit Page. * An opening scene discovers another view of the bower. Fountains Fountains playing through the trees, Gay confufion, All a vifion, all a dream! SCENE IV. UEEN and PAGE. QUEEN. At length the bow'ry vaults appear! A thousand checks my heart controul, PAGE. Behold the brazen gate unbar'd! -She's fixt in thought, I am not heard QUEEN. I see, I see my hands imbru'd And start in agonies of death: C3 [Afide PAGE. SCENE VL Behold, great Queen, the place in view! QUEEN. Ye pow'rs instruct me what to do! PAGE. That bow'r will show Wild and frantic is my grief! Mercy striving, Heaven in pity fend relief! The pangs of love, Ye pow'rs remove, Or dart your thunder at my head: Love and despair What beart can bear! Ease my soul, or strike me dead ! [Exeunt SCENE V. The Scene changes to the Pavilion as before. ROSAMOND fola. Transporting pleasure, who can tell.it! When our longing eyes discover The kind, the dear, approaching lover, Who can utter, or conceal it! The Queen, th' offended Queen I see ! Enter to her the QUEEN with a bowl in one band, and a dagger in the other. QUEEN. Thus arm'd with double death I come: ROSAMOND. What shall I say, or how reply To threats of injur'd Majesty? QUEEN. Tis guilt that does thy tongue controuf. Or quickly drain the fatal bowl, Or this right hand performs its part, And plants a dagger in thy heart. ROSAMOND. Can Britain's Queen give such commands, Or dip in blood those sacred hands? In her shall such revenge be seen ? Far be that from Britain's Queen! |