Hence ye fecret damps of care, Fierce disdain, and cold despair. On jealousy, the rage of love. My Henry shall be mine alone, Than crowns and Scepterscan impart. ACT ACT III. SCENE Ι. SCENE a grotto, HENRY asleep, a cloud de scends, in it two angels suppos'd to be the guardian Spirits of the British Kings in war and in peace. B ANGEL. EHOLD the unhappy monarch there, That claims our tutelary care! 2ANGE L. In fields of death around his head A shield of adamant I spread. 1 ANGEL. In hours of peace, unseen, unknown, I hover o'er the British throne. 2 ANGEL. When hosts of foes with foes engage, The cleaving faulchion I misguide, j ANGEL When dark fermenting factions swell, : BOTH. BOTH. But oh what influence can remove The pangs of grief, and rage of love! 2 ANGEL. I'll fire his foul with mighty themes, 'Till love before ambition fly. I'll footh his cares in pleasing dreams, 'Till grief in joyful raptures die. 2 ANGEL. Whatever glorious and renown'd See, see, he smiles amidst his trance, His brain is fill'd with loud alarms Glory strives! ROTH The field is won ! Fame revives, And love is gone. D AN IANGEL. To calm thy grief, and lull thy cares, Look up and fee What after long revolving years, Thy bower shall be! When, time its beauties shall deface, And only with its ruins grace, Behold the glorious pile ascending!* Art in curious strokes surprising, 2 ANGEL. He fees, he sees the great reward For Anna's mighty chief prepar'd: His growing joys no measure keep, Too vehement and fierce her fleep, ANGEL. Let grief and love at once engage, His beart is proof to all their pain; Love may plead 2 ANGEL, And grief may rage } BOTH. But both fhall plead and rage in vain. [The angels ascend, and the vision disappears * Scene changes to the plan of Blenheim-castle. HENRY, HENRY, Starting from the couch. Where have my ravish'd senses been! Rofy brakes, Silver lakes, To love and you A. long adieu! O Rosamond! O rifing woe! Why do my weeping eyes o'erflow? How shall my heart, with grief oppress'd, And take the long, the last farewel! |