But see your slave, while yet I speak, As he the potion shall survive KING. O happy day! O pleasing view! My Queen forgives QUEEN. My Lord is true. KING. No more I'll change. QUEEN. No more I'll grieve : BOTH. But ever thus united live. Sir TRUSTY awaking, In which world am I! all I fee, Ev'ry thicket, bush and tree, So like the place from whence I came; VOL. II. D SCENE SCENE IV. GRIDELINE and Sir TRUSTY. GRIDELINE. Have I then liv'd to fee this hour, And took thee in the very bow'r? Sir TRUSTY. Widow Trusty, why so fine? Why doft thou thus in colours thine ? GRIDELINE. Forbear these foolish freaks, and fee How our good King and Queen agree. Sir TRUSTY. Am I bewitch'd, or do I dream? Offended be for what is past, GRIDELINE. I'll too my plighted vows icnew, Since conjugal paffion, Is come into fashion, And marriage so bleft on the the throne is, Like a Venus I'll shine, Be fond and be fine, And Sir Trufty shall be my Adonis. Sir TRUSTY. And Sir Trusty shall be thy Adonis. Who to forbidden joys wou'd rove, That knows the sweets of virtuous love? |