CAT O. A TRAGED Y. Ecce spectaculum dignum, ad qued refpiciat, intentus XXXX D 3 VERSE S To the AUTHOR of the TRAGEDY of CATO. WHILE you the fierce divided Britons awe, And Cato with an equal virtue draw, While envy is itself in wonder loft, And factions ftrive who shall applaud you moff; Who hopes himself, not you, to recommend; * To my light fcenes I once infcrib'd your name, Soon will that die, which adds thy name to mine ; RICHARD STEELE. Though D 4 *Tender husband, dedicated to Mr. Addison. Though Cato fhines in Virgil's epic song, Prescribing laws among th' Elysian throng; Tho' Lucan's verse, exalted by his name, On Tiber's banks thy thought was first inspir❜d; 'Twas there, to fome indulgent grove retir'd, Rome's antient fortunes rolling in thy mind, Thy happy mufe this manly work defign'd: Such Roman greatness in each action shines, That |