! THE ΜΟΝΙTOR: OR, British FREEHOLDER, FROM AUGUST 7, 1756, to JULY 16, 1757, Pro REGE et GREGE. VOL. II. LONDON: Printed for J. Scott, at the Black-Swan in 1 To the Right Honourable WILLIAM PITT, Esq; One of his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State; And the Right Honourable HENRY BILSON LEGGE, Efq; Chancellor and Under-treasurer of his Majesty's Exchequer. P ARDON, Gentlemen, our boldness, in taking this freedom with your names, without your consent or privity; for which we have nothing to plead, but a presumption, that you are devoted to the same cause, and warmed by the same principles, which these papers endeavour to support and inculcate; such presumption is no more than common candour, when in your short-liv'd administration, you gave early proof of it, in the plan you had adopted, and the measures you pursued. And we cannot doubt, but the nation would in a little time have felt its good effects, had your power been as great, and as lasting, as your fellow citizens wished. THE neceffities of the times, and your confessed abilities, which before called you to high places, have reinstated you in those places again : and shall we question, whether you will react the great part, as before, when the reasons of doing it are more urgent than ever, A 2 TRUE |