Little Foxes That Spoil the VineXulon Press, 2007 - 348 σελίδες Let's call it a practical book of do's and don'ts for the saved and the secular in their search for glorious and stress-free living. It's a work generously enriched with anecdotes and testimonies that make every page sparkling with life. Opuine Princess Onuoha has, through, this voluminous work demonstrated beyond doubt that a believer's salvation has to be jealously guarded in order not to make a mess of his or her destiny. A book of cautions and instructions, set out to enrich the saved life, and out also to guide the 'gentile' to salvation. Indeed, it's a work about living an upright life in salvation. Opuine Princess Onuoha although an Accountancy graduate, is a full-time minister of the gospel of the kingdom of God and a propagator of our Lord Jesus Christ. Having obtained a diploma certificate at the Word of Faith Bible Institute (WOFBI), Iyana Ipaja, Lagos, Nigeria. She is also a career talker and a motivational speaker. She is married to Pastor Bethel George Onuoha, and they are blessed with four sons: George, Michael, Wisdom and Emmanuel. |
6 | 55 |
7 | 65 |
9 | 84 |
Unholiness | 97 |
Spoilers of Gods Mind I Pride | 139 |
Kingdom Critics | 161 |
Doubters of Prophesies | 175 |
Unyielding Believers to Gods Leading | 184 |
Impatience in Spirit | 221 |
Widow chasers Fatherless Poor Needy | 235 |
Repaying evil with evil | 248 |
The Singles and Marriage | 256 |
Christian Parenting | 280 |
The Homefront | 292 |
Foxes in their Varieties | 327 |
Conclusion | 343 |
Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις
anointing attitude behold Bible says blessings bring brother child Christ Jesus Christian church Colossians commandments concerning Corinthians counsel covenant covetousness despise destroy Deuteronomy disobedience Ephesians evil faith Father fear flesh forgive Furthermore give glory God's word hand handbill hath heart heaven Hebrews Holy Ghost Holy Spirit honour husband Isaiah Jephthah Jeremiah Jesus Christ Jesus Mighty Name Jesus Precious Name judgment keep king kingdom lives Luke manner marriage mercy mind mystery never Nigeria parents pastor peace perhaps person prayer prophets Proverbs Psalm reason receive remember righteousness Romans saith the LORD Satan scriptures servant servant of God shekels simply sister Smith Wigglesworth someone soul speak spouse tell thee thereby things thou shalt truth understanding unrighteousness unto the LORD walk whatsoever wickedness wife wise wives woman word says worship wrath wrong