The Works of William Mason, Τόμος 1

T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1811


Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων

Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις

Δημοφιλή αποσπάσματα

Σελίδα 201 - God Almighty first planted a garden; and, indeed, it is the purest of human pleasures. It is the greatest refreshment to the spirits of man; without which buildings and palaces are but gross...
Σελίδα 137 - Heav'n so lately gave : To Bristol's fount I bore with trembling care Her faded form : she bow'd to taste the wave, And died. Does Youth, does Beauty, read the line ? Does sympathetic fear their breasts alarm ? Speak, dead MARIA ! breathe a strain divine : Ev'n from the grave thou shalt have power to charm.
Σελίδα 137 - Ev'n from the grave thou shall have power to charm. Bid them be chaste, be innocent, like thee ; Bid them in Duty's sphere as meekly move ; And if so fair, from vanity as free ; As firm in friendship, and as fond in love. Tell them, though 'tis an awful thing to die, ('Twas ev'n to thee) yet the dread path once trod, Heav'n lifts its everlasting portals high, And bids " the pure in heart behold their GOD.
Σελίδα 390 - ... work, about twelve foot in height, by which you may go in shade into the garden. As for the making of knots or figures with divers coloured earths, that they may lie under the windows of the house on that side which the garden stands, they be but toys : you may see as good sights many times in tarts.
Σελίδα 406 - There scattered oft, the earliest of the year, By hands unseen, are showers of violets found; The redbreast loves to build and warble there, And little footsteps lightly print the ground...
Σελίδα 401 - So spake the fiend; and with necessity, The tyrant's plea, excus'd his devilish deeds.
Σελίδα 469 - AGAIN the day returns of holy rest, Which, when he made the world, Jehovah blest ; When, like his own, he bade our labours cease, And all be piety, and all be peace.
Σελίδα 469 - Father of heaven ! in whom our hopes confide, Whose power defends us, and whose precepts guide, In life our Guardian, and in death...
Σελίδα 393 - What I have said, of the best forms of gardens, is meant only of such as are in some sort regular; for there may be other forms wholly irregular that may, for aught I know, have more beauty than any of the others ; but they must owe it to some extraordinary dispositions of nature in the seat, or some great race of fancy or judgment in the contrivance, which may reduce many disagreeing parts into some figure, which shall yet, upon the whole, be very agreeable.
Σελίδα 131 - Unpropp'd by staff, support me to behold How Nature, to her Maker's mandate true, Calls Spring's impartial heralds to the view, The snow-drop pale, the crocus spik'd with gold ; And still (thank Heaven) if I not falsely deem, My lyre, yet vocal, freely can afford Strains not discordant to each moral theme Fair Truth inspires, and aid me to record (Best of poetic...

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