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Βιβλία Βιβλία
" The Supper of the Lord is not only a sign of the love that Christians ought to have among themselves one to another, but rather is a sacrament of our redemption by Christ's death; Insomuch, that to such as rightly, worthily, and with faith receive the... "
The British Critic: A New Review - Σελίδα 558
Πλήρης προβολή - Σχετικά με αυτό το βιβλίο

The Creeds of Christendom: With a History and Critical Notes, Vol III

Philip Schaff - 1877 - 948 σελίδες
...but rather is a sacrament of our redemption by Christ's death ; insomuch that, to such as rightly, worthily, and with faith receive the same, the bread...of blessing is a partaking of the blood of Christ. Transubstantiation, or the change of the substance of bread and wine in the Supper of our Lord, can...

The Canons of the Holy Apostles: The Greek Text as Orginally Printed in 1540 ...

1675 - 314 σελίδες
...but rather it is a Sacrament of our redemption by Christs death. Insomuch that to such as rightly, worthily, and with faith receive the same, the bread...of blessing is a partaking of the blood of Christ. Triuisubstant.mtion (or the change of the substance of bread and wine) in the Supper of the Lord, cannot...

Articles agreed upon by the archbishops and bishops ... and the whole clergy ...

Church of England articles - 1855 - 76 σελίδες
...but rather it is a Sacrament of our Redemption by Christ's death : insomuch that to such as rightly, worthily, and with faith, receive the same, the Bread...of Blessing is a partaking of the Blood of Christ. Transubstantiation (or the change of the substance of Bread and Wine) in the Supper of the Lord, cannot...

Transubstantiation discuss'd, in two parts, in several papers that have pass ...

T. B - 1705 - 292 σελίδες
...Redemption by Chrift^s Death. Infomuch, that tofwh as Rightly, Wirthtly and with faith receive the fame, the Bread which we break is a partaking of the Body of Chriß, and likevifc the dtp «fBleffiHgii a partaking of the Blood of Chriß. Thea declaring againft...

Directions for Studying I. A General System Or Body of Divinity. II. The ...

Thomas Bennet - 1715 - 228 σελίδες
...••'.• i! t ,ijv,, .f gnt"j 3. Tofuch as rightly, worthily, and with Faith receive the Lord's Supper, the Bread which we break, is a partaking of the Body of Chrift ,. and likewife the Cup of Bleffing is a partaking of the Blood of Chrift. 4. Tranfubftantiation...

Annual Register, Τόμος 114

Edmund Burke - 1873 - 696 σελίδες
...another, but rather is a Sacrament ot' cur redemption by Christ's death; insomuch that to such as rightlv. worthily, and with faith receive the same, the bread which we break is ^» partaking of the Body of Christ, and likewise the cup of blessing is a partaking of the Blood of...

A Short Scriptural Explication of the Faith and Doctrine of the Church of ...

Thomas Rogers - 1776 - 78 σελίδες
...redemption by Chirft's death : Info much that to fuch as rightly, worthily, and with faith receive the fame, the bread which we break, is a partaking of the body of Chrift ; and likewife the cup of blefiing is a partaking of the blood of Chrift. Tranfubftamiation...

The new Whole duty of man [&c.].

Whole duty - 1777 - 584 σελίδες
....demption byChrift's death : infomuch that to fuch asrightly, ' worthily, and with faith receive the fame, the bread which ' we break is a partaking of the body of Chrift, and likewife, * the cup of bleffing is a partaking of the blood of Chrift 5 ' the body of Chrift...

An Exposition of the XXXIX Articles of the Church of England

Church of England - 1796 - 596 σελίδες
...among themfelves. partaking MS. the bread which we break is a communion of the body of Chrift. Pr. the bread which we break is a partaking of the body of Chrift. partaking MS. and likewlfe the cup of bleffing is a communion of the blood of Chrift. Pr. and...

Encyclopædia Britannica: Or, A Dictionary of Arts ..., Τόμος 18,Μέρος 1

Colin Macfarquhar, George Gleig - 1797 - 452 σελίδες
...word of God; they teach, that to fuch as rightly, worthily, and with faith, receive the facrameut« the bread which we break is a partaking of the body of Chriit, and the cup of blefling a partaking of the blood of Chriit ; and they add, that the body and...

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