The Lover,: Written in Imitation of The Tatler;

J. Nichols., 1789 - 92 σελίδες

Αναζήτηση στο βιβλίο

Επιλεγμένες σελίδες

Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων

Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις

Δημοφιλή αποσπάσματα

Σελίδα 69 - There is, likewise, another inconvenience in this female passion for china, namely, that it administers to them great matter of wrath' and sorrow. How much anger and affliction are produced daily in the hearts of my dear country-women, by the breach of this frail furniture. Some of them pay half their servants' wages in china fragments, which their carelessness has produced.
Σελίδα 303 - It stands upon its own basis like a rock of adamant, secured by its natural situation against all conquests or attacks. There is no one place about it weaker than another, to favour an enemy in his approaches. The major and the minor are of equal strength. Its questions admit of no reply, and its assertions are not to be invalidated.
Σελίδα 2 - Yet I have not neglected my devoirs to Mr. Rowe : I am writing this very day his epitaph for Westminster Abbey. After these, the best-natured of men, Sir Samuel Garth, has left me in the truest concern for his loss. His death was very heroical, and yet unaffected enough to have made a saint or a philosopher famous. But ill tongues and worse hearts have branded even his last moments as wrongfully as they did his life, with irreligion.
Σελίδα 31 - Safe from the treach'rous friend, the daring spark, The glance by day, the whisper in the dark, When kind occasion prompts their warm desires, When music softens, and when dancing fires ? Tis but their sylph, the wise celestials know, Though honour is the word with men below.
Σελίδα 58 - ... and the groans of an afflicted wife. And when you are not (which sure by sympathy I shall know), I shall wish my own dissolution with you that so we may go hand in hand to Heaven. 'Tis too late to tell you what...
Σελίδα 323 - That fleets of above thirty sail have come together out of Dunkirk, during the late war, and taken ships of war as well as merchantmen.
Σελίδα 300 - This poor man was somewhat of a scholar, and given to country learning, such as astrological predictions of the weather, and the like. One night, in one of his musings about his house, he saw a party of soldiers belonging to a prince at enmity with his own, coming towards the bridge.
Σελίδα 303 - If it affirms any thing, you cannot lay hold of it ; or if it denies, you cannot confute it. In a word, there are greater depths and obscurities, greater intricacies and perplexities, in an elaborate and well-written piece of nonsense, than in the most abstruse and profound tract of school-divinity.
Σελίδα 64 - Gallantries, which had lasted two or three Years, the Father of the young Count, whose Family was reduced to a low Condition, found out a very advantageous Match for him, and made his Son sensible that he ought, in common Prudence, to close with it. The Count, upon the first Opportunity, acquainted his Mistress very fairly with what had passed, and laid the whole matter before her, with such Freedom and Openness of Heart, that she seemingly consented to it. She only desired of him...
Σελίδα 224 - Love, the most generous passion of the mind, The softest refuge innocence can find, The safe director of unguided youth, Fraught with kind wishes, and secured by truth; That cordial drop heaven in our cup has thrown To make the nauseous draught of life go down...

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