Εικόνες σελίδας
Ηλεκτρ. έκδοση
[blocks in formation]

Cachexia Aphthosa, See Latham.
Calico-printing, obs. on, 65.
Castlereagh, Lord, his personal
instrumentality in re-placing
Louis XVIII. on the throne,
141. Deceived by M. de Blacas
in the affair of Murat, 146.
Chemistry, its utilityto the arts, 63.
Cheshire, geology of, 133.
Chillingworth, his "Religion of
Protestants" quoted, 244.
Chillon, Castle of, poem on sup-
posed captives in, 435.
Chorea, case of, 164.
Church of England, fruitless at-

tempt to unite the Dissenters
with it, temp. William III. 407.
City of London, account of its
police, 202.

Clarke, Dr., on the effects of
certain food on Women after
Child-birth, 162.

Coal-mines, on the fire-damp in,

Colica Pictonum, essay on, 162.
Collieries, of Antrim, account
of, 218.

Colquhoun, Mr. on Flash-houses,
On Gin-shops, 301.


Combustion, theory of, described,

Communion, holy, preparation
for, 279.
Conant, Sir N., his evidence on
police-rewards, 192. On pub-
lic-houses, 197. On Flash-
houses, 199.

Convulsive Affections, on reme-
dies for, 165.
Copper-mine at Anglesea, ac-
count of, 134.
Cornwall, geological phænomena
of, 129.

Cotton, Rev. T., anecdote of,

Coucals, those birds described,

Cowper, Mr. the poet, obs. on
his religious persuasions, 22 3.
Cow-pox, on the efficacy of, 166.
Criticism, true, obs. on, 114. The
doctrine of two souls applied
to criticism, 123.
Cromwell, Oliver, his letter to the
Governor of Borthwick Castle,

Crucirostra, anecdotes of those
birds, 56.

Crush, William, his evidence on
the licencing of public houses,

Crystals, See Brewster.
Cuckows, particulars respecting,

[blocks in formation]

Davoût, Marshal, his character
vindicated by Marshal Ber-
trand, 433.

Davy, Sir H., on fire-damp in
coal-mines, 388.
Death, obs. on signs of, 166.
D'Enghien, Duke, remarks on


his death made by Bonaparte
himself, 430.

De Pradt, Abbé, ridiculed by
Bonaparte and his adherents,

Derbyshire, geology of, 132.
Diabetes, cases of, 161.
Diderot, his Père de Famille and
his Essay on Dramatic Poetry
vindicated, 125.

Diligence, French, general man-
ners of its passengers, 373.
Dissenters, Protestant, failure of
the seventh attempt to unite
them with the Church, 407.
Drama, antient and modern,
obs. on, 114. On the Greek
Drama, 116. On the Roman,
and the French, 124. On the
English and Spanish, 126.
On the German, 126, 127.
Nationality of the English
Drama, 540.

Dream, poetic, extracts from,

Dress, of the French people, 374.
Duchay, M. his demonstration of
the parallelogram of forces,


Ear-wig, description of that
genus, 326.
Edmund the Confessor, his mi-
raculous exploits, 350.

Edward, Prince, his murder at
Tewkesbury poetically de-
scribed, 357.

Elbe, account of the passage of
by Blucher in 1813, 181.
Elephantiasis, case of, 165.
Elgin, Lord, obs. on his trans-
actions relative to Mr. Twed-
dell, 4. 151-161.
England, on the literature of,
515. A foreign writer's view
of the people, laws, and cus-
toms of, 535-540.
English troops in France, tribute
to, from the French people,

Enjoyments, animal, on the di-
minution of, by age, 241.
Equations, on the theory of, 534-
Euripides, remarks on the plays
of, 121.

Excoriation, See Heberden.


Feet of flies, lizards, &c. obser-
vations on, 302.
Fever, case of, 165. At Cam-
bridge, memoirs on, 166. Pu-
erperal, memoirs on, 165. 176.
Fire-damp in coal-mines, es-
says on, 388.
Flanders, obs. on, and on the
people, 368.
Flash-Houses, evidence on, 198.
Flora, the jubilee of, poetically
described, 210.

Fontrailles, M. his character of
the Count-Duke d'Olivarez,
Food. See Clarke.
Forces, See Duchay.
Forficula, account of that genus,

Fouché, Duke of Otranto, his
manœuvre to procure the ab-
dication of Bonaparte, 426.
France, on the literature of, 515.
French people, observations on
their character, 366. 372.
Difference from the Flemings,

368. Dress of, 374.
French Prisoners, See Prisoners.
Functions, exponential, on the
developement of, 393.

[blocks in formation]

Gifford, Mr. on licencing gin-
shops, 303.

Gin-shops, evidence respecting,
299, &c.

Glass, plates of, experiments on,
to shew the propagation of
heat, 395. To communicate
to them the properties of
doubly refracting crystals,

Goethe, his dramas praised, 127.'
Grandmother Adder-Cook, a Da-

nish song, 72.
-Greek Literature, view of, 507.
Grotta-saungr, a Danish ballad,

Gustavus Adolphus, King of
Sweden, his heroic conduct
and death in the thirty years'
war, 488-499.


Haarlem, account of, 75.
Halford, Sir Henry, his remarks
on insanity, 286.
Harrison, Dr. on the Cambridge
fever, 166.

Hastings, battle of, described by
William of Malmesbury, 351.
Haviland, Mr. on the Cambridge
fever, 166.

Hawkstone, description of, 220-
Haygarth, Mr. his lines on
Mr. Tweddell, 5.
Heat, on new properties of, 395.
Heberden, Dr. on preventing
excoriation, 162. On water
in the head, 163.
Heights of remarkable buildings
and mountains, 173.
Hellah, See Babylon.

Hermes Trismegistus, emerald
table of, 325.
Herschel, Mr. on exponential
functions, 393-
Hindostan, literature of, 510.
Hirudo Medicinalis, described,

Historians, old English, remarks
on, 336. 345.

Holdsworth, Mr. on the city-
police, 202.

Home, Sir Ev. on the feet of
flies, lizards, &c. 392.
Horses, Venetian, their removal
from Paris, 27.
Howard, Mr. the philanthropist,
epitaph on, 446.
Hoxton asylum for naval ma-
niacs, remarks on its manage-
ment, 285.

Hunt, Dr. his pamphlet respect-
ing Mr. Tweddell's literary
remains, 157.

Huzen, Joseph, his evidence on
licencing public-houses, 309.

I and J.
Jaffa, account by Bonaparte
himself of the poisoning of his
sick men there, and of the
massacre of the garrison, 432.
Other observations on, 458.
James I. of England, his cha-
racter and talents appreciated,
245-248. Epitaph on, 249.
Jaundice, green, obs. on, 163.
Idolatry, Pagan, theory respect-
ing, 376-385.
Jews, observations ontheidentity
of their religion with that of
the Persians, 508.
Impressment, letters on the evils
of, 330.
Infernal Machine, asserted by
Bonaparte to be the scheme of
the English government, 432.
Insanity, remarks on, 286.
Invasion of England, by Bona-
parte, his own account of that
design, 428.

Jonah, specimens of rival-poems
on, 289-299.
Italy, on the primæval colonists
of, 469. On the literature
of, 514.

Justification, observations on the
controversy on, 410.


Kamsin, dreadful effects of that
wind, 208.

Kleber, General, his conduct as


commander in Egypt, and
death, 459-462.
Kotzebue, his dramatic fame vin-
dicated, 127.


Language, remarks on the his-
tory of, 513.
Lanjuinais, M. his character
praised, 138.

Latham, Dr. on leucorrhea,
161. On worm-cases, and on
Cachexia Aphthosa, 162. On
the super-acetate of lead, 165.
Latin language, on the origin
of, 470.
Lavender, the police-officer, his
evidence respecting rewards,
191. On Flash-houses, 201.
Laurein, King of the Dwarfs,
account of, 69.

Lead, super-acetate of, obs. on

its use in consumptions, 165.
Leck, battle of, 489.
Leech, medicinal, account of,

Leipsic, battle of, in 1813, 183.
In 1631, 488.
Leuck, account of that town, 82.
Leucorrhea, obs. on, 161.

Ley, Dr. on puerperal fever,

Library, Royal, at Paris, ac-
count of, 109.
Licencing public-houses, obs.
on, 197.304.447.

Light, polarization of, See Brew-


Ligny, battle of, 35.
Literature, Greek and Roman,
history of, 470-481. 507.
Of Hindostan, 510. Of the
Romances, 514. Of Italy,
Of France, England,
and Germany, 515.
Lizard, account of the feet of,

Longitude and latitude of a
celestial object, formulæ for
finding, 400.

Louvre, account of the removal
of its statues and paintings, 22.


[blocks in formation]

Maton, Dr. on a Rash, 163. On
chorea, 164.

May-Day, origin of the celebra-
tion of, 334.
Menou, General, his incapacity
for the command in Egypt,
and detail of his campaigns,

Methodists, remarks on their in-
crease, 243-

Mice, their extraordinaryattacks
on persons bitten by leopards,

Midshipmen, advice on the fitting
out and conduct of, 100.
Millington, Mr. on natural small-
pox, 164.
Mont Gemmi, account of the
pass of, 83.
Morning and Evening, medita-
tions for, 275.
Moscow, verses on the burning
of, 99.
Murat, King of Naples, supposed
forged letters of, and of Bona-
parte, 146.


Nantes, edict of, horrible con-
sequences of its revocation,

Napoleon's Farewell, apoem, 96.
Nepos, Cornelius, corrections of
passages in his biographies,


Neufchâtel, account of, 171.
Ney, Marshal, his treason gene-
rally reprobated, 145. Bona-
parte's concise remark on his
death, 424.

Noah, attempt to identify him
with Adam, and with Pagan
mythology, 380, &c.


Oaks, on the ageand size of, 335.
Olivarez, Count-Duke, his cha-
racter portrayed by M. Fon-

trailles, 505. By Voiture, 506.
Opera, at Paris, visit to, on Louis
XVIII.'s return, 109.

Orban, Mr., on Phthisis, 164.


Pallas, son of Evander, story of
his body being found at Rome,


Palpitations, remarks on, 164.
Paralytic affections, See Powell.
Paul, Emperor of Russia, pre-
sents an estate to the Duke de
Polignac, 10.

Persians, religion of, obs. on its
identity with that of the Jews,

Philosophers, of the age of Louis
XV., observations on, 59.
Phthisis, memoirs on, 164, 165.
Pichegru, his murder denied by
Bonaparte himself, 431.
Pillet, General, his libellous work
on the English nation contro-
verted, 536.

Pitt, Mr. compared with Cardi-
nal Richelieu, 544.
Plague, hypothesis respecting,
by Bonaparte, 422.
Planet, on the excentric anomaly
of, 400.

Platoff, Count, anecdotes of, 364.
Poetry, of the north, history of,

[blocks in formation]


Portland, Duke of, supposed to
be Junius, 111.

, Isle of, its geology,

Portuguese, manners and cus-
toms of, 221.

Powell, Dr. on paralytic affec-
tions, 162. On the pathology
of the brain, 164. On con-
vulsive affections, 165.
Presbyterians, decline of, as a
body, 411.

Prisoners, French, their treat-
ment in England, 536.
Prudence, supposed speech of, in

an Italian poem, 527.
Prussia, present King of, his
character, 363.
Public-houses, on the system of

licencing, 197-304-447-
Puffin Auk, anecdotes of, 216.
Purging, on a particular species
of, 163.

Purpura Hæmorrhagica, case of,


Quatre-Bras and Ligny, account
of the battles at, 32.


Rash, account of a particular
kind of, 163.
Raynsford, Mr. his evidence re-
specting Flash houses, 199.
Rectum, stricture of, described,

Reflection, observations on, 272.
Reformation, on the influence of
that event, 58.
Religion of Protestants, that
work quoted, 244. Of the
Persians and the Jews, obs.
on the identity of, 508.
Rewards to police-officers, obs.

on, 190.

Rhé, Isle of, its siege by the
English, 485.
Rhine, poetic address from the
banks of, 315.
Richelieu, Cardinal, view of his
administration and character,


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