UNIVERSE OF STARS; Presenting Researches into and New Views respecting the Constitution of the Heavens. With 22 Charts and 22 Diagrams, 8vo. los. 6d. LARGER STAR ATLAS for the Library, in 12 Circular Maps, with Introduction and 2 Index Pages. Folio, 15*. The Annual Register - Σελίδα 181892Πλήρης προβολή - Σχετικά με αυτό το βιβλίο
| Edmund Burke - 1892 - 720 σελίδες
...her Motions, Aspects Scenery, and Physical Condition. With Plates, Charts, Woodcuts, &c. Cr.8vo-5J. Universe of Stars; Presenting Researches into and...the Heavens. With 22 Charts and 22 Diagrams. Svo. IOJ. 6d. Larger Star Atlas for the Library, in 12 Circular Maps, with Introduction and 2 Index Pages.... | |
| 1774 - 634 σελίδες
...Lithographic Charts (4 Coloured), and 22 Woodcut Diagrams, price ios., The Universe and the Coming Transits : Presenting Researches into and New Views respecting the Constitution of the Heavens; together with an Investigation of the Conditions of the approaching Transitsof Venus. By RA PROCTOR,... | |
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...with 20 Plates (12 coloured) and 38 Woodcuts. Crown gvo. S*. 84 The UNIVERSE and the COMING TRANSITS : Presenting Researches Into and New Views respecting the Constitution of the Heavens; together with an Investigation of the Conditions of the Coming Transits of Yeima. By RA PBOOTOE, BA... | |
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...Light of Recent Scientific Researches. By RA PROCTOR, BA With 14 Illustrations. Cr. 8vo. ios. 6d. The Universe of Stars ; Presenting Researches into and...Views respecting the Constitution of the Heavens. By RA PROCTOR, BA Second Edition, with 22 Charts (4 Coloured) and 22 Diagrams. 8vo. price ids. 6d.... | |
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...Light of Recent Scientific Researches. By RA PROCTOR, BA With 14 Illustrations. Cr. 8vo. lor. 6J. The Universe of Stars ; Presenting Researches into and...Views respecting the Constitution of the Heavens. By RA PROCTOR, BA Second Edition, with 22 Charts (4 Coloured) and 22 Diagrams. 8vo. price JOs. dd.... | |
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...RICHARD A. PROCTOR, BA With 10 Plates and 24 Woodcuts. 8vo. 12j. The UNIVERSE and the COMING TRANSITS : Presenting Researches into and New Views respecting the Constitution of the Heavens ; together with an Investigation of the Conditions of the Coming Transits of Venus. By BA PROCTOR,... | |
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...Physical Condition. With Plates, Charts, Woodcuts, and Lunar Photographs. Crown Svo. los.6J. Proctor's Universe of Stars ; Presenting Researches into and...Views respecting the Constitution of the Heavens. Second Edition, with 22 Charts and 22 Diagrams. Svo. I or. 6J. Proctor's New Star Atlas, for the Library,... | |
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...the Sun & Coloured Pairs of Suns. By RA PROCTOR, BA With Chart and Diagrams. Crown 8vo. js. 6d. The Universe of Stars ; Presenting Researches into and...Views respecting the Constitution of the Heavens. By RA PROCTOR, BA Second Edition, with 22 Charts (4 Coloured) and 22 Diagrams. 8vo. price lot. 6J.... | |
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...Light of Recent Scientific Researches. By RA PROCTOR, BA With 14 Illustrations. Cr. Svo. lor. (xf. The Universe of Stars; Presenting Researches into and...Views respecting the Constitution of the Heavens. 1!y RA PROCTOR, BA Second Edition, with 22 Charts (4 Coloured) and 22 Diagrams. Svo. price leu. i.... | |
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...20 Plates (12 coloured) and 27 Woodcuts. Crown 8vo. Ss. Gd. The UNIVERSE and the COMING TRANSITS : Presenting Researches into and New Views respecting the Constitution of the Heavens ; together with an Investigation of the Conditions of the Coming Transits of Venus. By RA PBOOTOR,... | |
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