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Βιβλία Βιβλία
" TREASURY OF KNOWLEDGE AND LIBRARY OF REFERENCE. Comprising an English Dictionary and Grammar, Universal Gazetteer, Classical Dictionary, Chronology, Law Dictionary, &c. "
The Annual Register - Σελίδα 15
Πλήρης προβολή - Σχετικά με αυτό το βιβλίο

Annual Register, Τόμος 133

Edmund Burke - 1892 - 720 σελίδες
...6s. Historical Treasury: Outlines of Universal History, Separate Histories of all Nations. Fcp. 8vo. 6s. Treasury of Knowledge and Library of Reference....Classical Dictionary, Chronology, Law Dictionary, &c. Fcp. Svo. 6s. The Treasury of Bible Knowledge. By the Rev. J. AYRE, MA With 5 Maps, 15 Plates, and 300 Woodcub....

Stable Talk and Table Talk: Or, Spectacles for Young Sportsmen, Τόμος 1

Harry Hieover - 1846 - 488 σελίδες
...Supplement to the Present Time. Fcp. 8vo. 10s. cloth ; bound in roan, 12s. ; calf, 12s. 6d. Mavmder'-B Treasury of Knowledge, and Library of .Reference. Comprising an English Dictionary and Grammar, a Universal Gazetteer, a Classical Dictionary, a Chronology, a Law Dictionary, a Synopsis of the Peerage,...

The Works of the Rev. Sydney Smith, Τόμος 1

Sydney Smith - 1848 - 526 σελίδες
...SOUTHWOOD SMITH, MD Eleventh Edition, revised and enlarged; with 113 Woodcuts. 8vo. Is. Gd. Maunder's Treasury of Knowledge and Library of Reference : comprising...Classical Dictionary, Chronology, Law Dictionary, Synopsis of the Peerage, Useful Tables, <tc. Fcp. 6s. Hints to Mothers on the Management of their Health...

Egypt's Place in Universal History: An Historical Investigation in ..., Τόμος 1

Christian Karl Josias Freiherr von Bunsen - 1848 - 848 σελίδες
...With 900 Woodcuts. New Edition. Fcp. 8vo. price 10s. cloth ; r»n, 128. ; calf, 12s. 6d. Maunder's Treasury of Knowledge, and Library of Reference. Comprising an English Dictionary and Grammar, an Universal Gazetteer, a Classical Dictionary, a Chronology, a Law Dictionary, a Synopsis of the Peerage,...

The Holy City: Historical, Topographical, and Antiquarian Notices ..., Τόμος 2

Georges Williams - 1849 - 718 σελίδες
...and Five per Cent , from One Pound to Ten Thousand and from 1 to 365 Days. 12mo. 3*. C</. Maunder's Treasury of Knowledge and Library of Reference : comprising...Classical Dictionary, Chronology, Law Dictionary, Synopsis of the Peerage, useful Tables, &c. Fcp. 10*. General and School Atlases. An Atlas of History...

A Course of English Reading: Adapted to Every Taste and Capacity: with ...

James Pycroft - 1850 - 384 σελίδες
...Wood. New Edition. Fcap. Svo. I0j. cloth ; honnd in roan, I2*. ; calf lettered, I2*. 6rf.; MAUNDER'S TREASURY OF KNOWLEDGE, And LIBRARY of REFERENCE: Comprising an English Dictionary and Grammar, an Universal Gazetteer, a Classical Dictionary, n Chronology, a Law Dictionary, a Synopsis of the Peerage,...

Outlines of Astronomy

John Frederick William Herschel - 1851 - 744 σελίδες
...With 900 Woodcuts. New Edition. Fcp. 8vo. price 10s. cloth ; roan, 12s. ; calf, 12a. 6d. Maunder's Treasury of Knowledge, and Library of Reference. Comprising an English Dictionary and Grammar, an Universal Gazetteer, a Classical Dictionary, a Chronology, a Law Dictionary, a Synopsis of the Peerage,...

Observations on the Social and Political State of Denmark: And the Duchies ...

Samuel Laing - 1852 - 508 σελίδες
...oa Wood. New Edition. Fcp. 8TO> 10*. ctatk; bound in roan. 12s. ; calf lettered, 12s. Cd. MAUNDER'S TREASURY OF KNOWLEDGE, And LIBRARY of REFERENCE. Comprising an English Dictionary and Grammar, as Universal Gazetteer, a Classical Dictionary, a Chronology, a LBW Dictionary, a Syuopns •( the...

The History of the Anglo-Saxons: From the Earliest Period to the ..., Τόμος 1

Sharon Turner - 1852 - 580 σελίδες
...With 900 Woodcuts. New Edition. Fcp. 8vo. price 10s. cloth ; roan, 12s. ; calf, 12s. 6d. Maunder's Treasury of Knowledge, and Library of Reference. Comprising an English Dictionary and Grammar, an Universal Gaz tteer, a Classical Dictionary, a Chronology, a Law Dictionary, a Synopsis of the Peerage,...

The life of Benjamin Robert Haydon, from his autobiography and ..., Τόμος 3

Benjamin Robert Haydon - 1853 - 476 σελίδες
...Wood, New Edition. Fcap. Svo. lOf. cloU i boond In roan, 12*. ; calf lettered, 12«. f>d. MAUNDER'S TREASURY OF KNOWLEDGE, And LIBRARY of REFERENCE: Comprising an English Dictionary and Grammar, an Universal Gssetteer, a Classical Dictionary, a Chronology, a Law Dictinnary, a Synopsis of the Peerage,...

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