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Βιβλία Βιβλία
" New Star Atlas for the Library, the School, and the Observatory, in 12 Circular Maps. "
The Annual Register - Σελίδα 18
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Annual Register, Τόμος 133

Edmund Burke - 1892 - 720 σελίδες
...Library, in 12 Circular Maps, with Introduction and 2 Index Pages. Folio, 15$. or Maps only, i2j. 6d. The Student's Atlas. In Twelve Circular Maps on a Uniform Projection and one Scale. Svo. $s. New Star Atlas for the Library, the School, and the Observatory, in 12 Circular Maps. Crown Svo....

The campaigns of Hannibal arranged and critically considered

sir Patrick Leonard MacDougall - 1858 - 252 σελίδες
...-with Notes, by W. HUGGINS, LL.D. FRS With 13 Plates (6 coloured) and 223 Woodcuts. 8vo. price 28s. A NEW STAR ATLAS, for the Library, the School, and the Observatory, in Twelve Circular Maps (with Two Index Plates). Intended as a Companion to ' Webb's Celestial Objects...

On the Philosophy of Discovery: Chapters Historical and Critical

William Whewell - 1860 - 604 σελίδες
...Crown 8vo. price 7*. 64. SATURN and its SYSTEM. By RA PBOCTOB, BA 8vo. with 14 Plates, !•( ... A NEW STAR ATLAS, for the Library, the School, and the Observatory, In Twelve Circular Maps (with Two Index Plates). Intended as a Companion to 'Webb's Celestial Objects...

The Law of Storms Considered in Connection with the Ordinary Movements of ...

Heinrich Wilhelm Dove - 1862 - 384 σελίδες
...Objects for Common Telescopes. By TW WEBB, MA With Chart and Woodcuts. New Edition in the press. A New Star Atlas, for the Library, the School, and the Observatory, in 12 Circular Maps (with 2 Index Plates). By RA PROCTOR, BA Crown 8vo. 5*. Larger Star Atlas, for the...

A Glimpse of the World, Τόμος 2

Elizabeth Missing Sewell - 1863 - 584 σελίδες
...with Notes, by W. HUGGINS, LL.DFRS With 13 Plates (6 coloured) and 223 Woodcuts. Svo. price 2Ss. A NEW STAR ATLAS, for the Library, the School, and the Observatory, in Twelve Circular Maps (with Two Index Plates). Intended as a Companion to 'Webb's Celestial Objects...

Lectures on the History of England, Τόμος 1

William Longman - 1863 - 552 σελίδες
...time, and which those who survey the glories of the heavens will be anxious to obtain.' The STL-DBNT. A New Star Atlas, for the Library, the School, and the Observatory, in \ 2 Circular Maps (with 2 Index Plates). By RA Proctor, BA Crown Svo. $s. LargerStarA t las for the...

Sir William Hamilton: Being the Philosophy of Perception : an Analysis

James Hutchison Stirling - 1865 - 178 σελίδες
...Objects for Common Telescopes. By TW WEBB, MA With Map of the Moon and Woodcuts. Crown 8vo. 7.?. 6d. A New Star Atlas, for the Library, the School, and the Observatory, in 12 Circular Maps (with 2 Index Plates). By RA PROCTOR, BA Crown 8vo. 5^. Larger Star Atlas, for the...

The Pentateuch and Book of Joshua, Critically Examined, Μέρη 1-2

John William Colenso - 1865 - 724 σελίδες
...and Configurations of its Surface. By E. NEISON, FRAS With 26 Maps & 5 Plates. Medium 8vo. 31*. 6d. A New Star Atlas, for the Library, the School, and the Observatory, in 12 Circular Maps (with 2 Index Plates). By RA PROCTOR, BA Crown 8vo. $t. Larger Star Atlas, for the...

A Practical Treatise on Banking, Currency, and the Exchanges

Arthur Crump - 1866 - 312 σελίδες
...with Notes, by W. HUGGIMS, LL.DFR8. With 13 Plates (6 coloured) and 22S Woodcuts. Svo. price 2Ss. A NEW STAR ATLAS, for the Library, the School, and the Observatory, in Twelve Circular Maps (with Two Index Plates). Intended as a Companion to 'Webb's Celestial Objects...

Short studies on great subjects, Τόμος 3

James Anthony Froude - 1883 - 438 σελίδες
...Constitution of the Heavens. Second Edition, with 22 Charts and 22 Diagrams. Svo. I or. 6J. Proctor's New Star Atlas, for the Library, the School, and the Observatory, in 12 Circular Maps (with 2 Index Plates). Crown Svo. 5*. Proctor's Larger Star Atlas, for the Library,...

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