THE Magazine of Magazines. Compiled from ORIGINAL PIECES, WITH EXTRACTS from the most celebrated Books, AND PERIODICAL COMPOSITIONS, Published in EUROPE, for the YEAR MDCCLVII. A compleat Literary and Hiftorical ACCOUNT of that Period. VOL. XIII. ******** LIMERICK: Printed by and for ANDREW WELSH, MDCCLVII. [1] THE Magazine of Magazines. For JANUARY, 1757 VOLUME XIII. 奶奶 An authentic Account of the Siege and Surrender of St. PHILIP's Fort, in the land. of MINORCA. * T * *XX* Saturday XXXHE garrifon was alarmed with, the first news of a large fleet of French tranfports being in fight. Sunday 18. Part of Col. Riche's regiment from the counury, brought an account of the landing of their troops at Cieutadella. All neceffary precautions were. immediately taken, the artillery and additional gunners were ftationed, and a refolute defence was determined. Monday 19. The remainder of Col. Riche's regiment arrived from Cieutadella, from whence they had retired, leaving a corporal behind, who was made prifoner by the French. April a 7. All Col. The western fignal houfe guard alfo retired into the fort. Cornwallis's regiment left Mahon, to reinforce the garrifon, and the General detached Lt. Col. Bufane, with 200 men to obferve the enemy's motion, who feeing no appearance of them in the day, ftaid at Mahon all night. Tuefday 20. The General detached 100 men to reinforce Col. Bufane, and alfo detached a party to drive all the cattle they could find in the country into the fort. Upon this expedition two of our men were wounded by the Spaniards. Our fcouts brought advice that 12,000 A of |