| Richard Preston - 1806 - 608 σελίδες
...said C. C. and A. his wife, at any time or times, and from time to time, during their joint lives, by any deed or deeds, instrument or instruments, in writing, to be sealed, and delivered by them in the presence of two or more credible witnesses, and attested by the... | |
 | Edward Burtenshaw Sugden - 1808 - 652 σελίδες
...William Taylor shill, by any deed or deeds, writing or writings, with or without power of revocation, to be by him sealed and delivered in the presence of, and to be attested, by two or more credible witnesses from time to time direct, limit or appoint; and for... | |
 | William Roberts - 1809 - 750 σελίδες
...deed or deeds, instrument or instruments in writing, with or without power of revocation, to be by her sealed and delivered in the presence of, and attested by,- two or more credible witnesses, or by her last will and testament in writing, or any codicil or codicils thereunto, to be signed and... | |
 | Francis Williams Sanders - 1813 - 376 σελίδες
...deeds, instrument or instruments in writing, with or without power of revocation and new appointment, to be by him sealed and delivered in the presence of, and to be attested by, two or more credible witnesses, or by his last will and testament in writing, or... | |
 | Great Britain. Court of Chancery, Francis Vesey, John Beames - 1813 - 618 σελίδες
...Persons, and for such Estates, ns Elizabeth Bullock whether corert or sole, by Deed OK Writing by her sealed and delivered in the Presence of and attested by Two or piore Witnesses, or by her Will, or any Writing purporting 181S. f. FLADOATE. ing to be her Will, signed... | |
 | James Barry Bird - 1815 - 586 σελίδες
...Vouches. . VV • , f from time to time or at any time or times by any deed or deeds, writing or writings, to be by him sealed and delivered in the presence of and to lie attested by two or more credible witnesses, shall direct, limit, or appoint the same; and in... | |
 | Manasseh Dawes - 1818 - 152 σελίδες
...and agreements, as he the said AB shall, by any deed or writing, with or without power of revocation, to be by him sealed and delivered in the presence of and attested by two or more credible witnesses, from time to time direct, limit and appoint. And for default of such direction, limitation or appointment,... | |
 | Great Britain. Court of King's Bench, Richard Vaughan Barnewall, Sir Edward Hall Alderson - 1818 - 808 σελίδες
...and TEF, and their heirs, by and with such consent as aforesaid, by any deed or deeds, to be by them sealed and delivered in the presence of and attested by two or more credible witnesses, to revoke, determine, and make void all and every the uses, estates, trusts, &c. hereinbefore created... | |
 | William Cruise - 1818 - 596 σελίδες
...which a leasing power is directed to be executed, it is generally required to be by deed indented, sealed, and delivered: in the presence of, and attested by, two or more credible witnesses. And it is also usually required, that the tenant should execute a counterpart of such indenture. 6.... | |
 | Edward Burtenshaw Sugden - 1818 - 862 σελίδες
...during his life, l>y any deed or deeds, writing Qr writings, with or without power of revocation, to be sealed and delivered, in the presence of, and attested by two or more credible witnesses, or by his last will and testament in writing, or any writing in the nature of, or purporting to be... | |
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