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Βιβλία Βιβλία
" That we must stand unpropped, or be laid low. O dastard whom such foretaste doth not cheer! "We shall exult, if they who rule the land Be men who hold its many blessings dear, "Wise, upright, valiant; not a servile band, Who are to judge of danger which... "
The Works of George Byron: With His Letters and Journals, and His Life - Σελίδα 294
των George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1835
Πλήρης προβολή - Σχετικά με αυτό το βιβλίο

Poems, in Two Volumes,

William Wordsworth - 1807 - 358 σελίδες
...laid low. Q Dastard whom such foretaste doth not chear ! We shall exult, if They who rule the land Be Men who hold its many blessings dear, Wise, upright,...they fear, And honour which they do not understand. 152 26. NOTES to the FIRST VOLUME. XOTES. PAGE 1 . — To the Daisy. This PO«B, and two others to...

Poems,: In Two Volumes,

William Wordsworth - 1807 - 180 σελίδες
...be laid low. O Dastard whom such foretaste doth not chear! We shall exult, if They who rule the land Be Men who hold its many blessings dear. Wise, upright,...danger which they fear, And honour which they do not anderstand. 26. A1 0 TES FIRST VOLUME. to tie. NOTES. PAGE 1 . — To the Daisy. This Poem, and two...

The Quarterly Review, Τόμος 5

1811 - 562 σελίδες
...government of this mighty country, in these momentous times, should be entrusted to men, ' Who talk of danger which they fear, And honour which they do not understand!' • We have been told of die danger, of Lord Wellington and hi* army in language which it is humiliating...

The Friend: A Series of Essays

Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1812 - 466 σελίδες
...laid low. O Dastard ! whom such foretaste doth not cheer ! We shall exult, if They, who rule the land, Be Men who hold its many blessings dear, Wise, upright,...they fear, And honour, which they do not understand. WORDSWORTH. JSVf to pave 80. * Anima sapient (says Giordano Bruno, and let the sublime Piety of the...

Poems, Τόμος 2

William Wordsworth - 1815 - 416 σελίδες
...laid low. O Dastard whom such foretaste doth not cheer I We shall exult, if They who rule the land Be Men who hold its many blessings dear, Wise, upright,...they fear, And honour which they do not understand. 224 x - . ------ - SONNETS DEDICATED TO LIBERTY. SECOND. VOL. II. ON A CELEBRATED EVENT IN ANCIENT...

Poems by William Wordsworth: Including Lyrical Ballads, and the ..., Τόμος 2

William Wordsworth - 1815 - 412 σελίδες
...not cheer ! We shall exult, if They who rule the land Be Men who hold its many blessings dear, AVise, upright, valiant ; not a venal Band, Who are to judge...they fear, And honour which they do not understand. SONNETS DEDICATED TO LIBERTY. PART SECOND. VOL. II. CELEBRATED EVENT IN ANCIENT HISTORY. A ROHAN Master...

Blackwood's Magazine, Τόμος 3

1818 - 762 σελίδες
...constitution when there is no danger nigh ; — learning unthinking men, as Wordsworth says, " To speak of danger which they fear, And honour which they do not understand — " Not recollecting that, in the house of which he is the mouthpiece, there have been, and may be,...

The Miscellaneous Poems of William Wordsworth, Τόμος 3

William Wordsworth - 1820 - 360 σελίδες
...laid low. O Dastard whom such foretaste doth not cheer ! We shall exult, if They who rule the land Be Men who hold its many blessings dear, Wise, upright, valiant ; not a servile Band, Who are to judge of danger which they fear, And honour which they do not understand....

The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth, Τόμος 3

William Wordsworth - 1827 - 482 σελίδες
...They who rule the land Be Men who hold its many blessings dear, Wise, upright, valiant ; not a servile Band, Who are to judge of danger which they fear, And honour which they do not understand. ODE. 1. WHO rises on the banks of Seine, binds her temples with the civic wreath ? What joy to read...

The British poets of the nineteenth century, including the select works of ...

British poets - 1828 - 838 σελίδες
...be laid low. O Dastard whom such foretaste doth not cheer! We shall exult, if They who rule the land Be Men who hold its many blessings dear, Wise, upright,...venal Band, Who are to judge of danger which they ' ft-ar, And honour which they do not understand. XXII. September, 1H15. WniLK not a leaf seems faded,—...

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