Recollections of the Life of Lord Byron, from the Year 1808 to the End of 1814 (etc.)Charles Knight, 1824 - 344 σελίδες |
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affidavit afterwards Ali Pacha alluded alteration appear believe bookseller called Canto Cawthorn character Charles Knight Childe Harold's Pilgrimage circumstances confidential correspondence Corsair Court of Chancery Dallas's deponent Edinburgh Review Editor England executors expressed fame feelings felt Fletcher following letter Galignani genius George Anson Byron Giaour give given going abroad hands heard heart Hobhouse and Hanson Hobhouse's honour hope injunction inserted intended John Cam Hobhouse June Knight late Lord Byron Leigh lines lished London Lord Byron never Lord Byron's death Lord Byron's letters Lord Carlisle Lordship memoirs mentioned Messrs mother muse nature Newstead Abbey object opinion pain person pleasure poem poet present Lord Byron printed publication publish R. C. Dallas racter received rhyme Robert Charles Dallas safe custody Satire sent stanzas swears thing thought tion took verse wish write wrote
Δημοφιλή αποσπάσματα
Σελίδα 297 - Dim as the borrow'd beams of moon and stars To lonely, weary, wandering travellers, Is reason to the soul: and as on high, Those rolling fires discover but the sky, Not light us here; so reason's glimmering ray Was lent, not to assure our doubtful way, But guide us upward to a better day. And as those nightly tapers disappear When day's bright lord ascends our hemisphere; So pale grows reason at religion's sight; So dies, and so dissolves in supernatural light.
Σελίδα 53 - He passed the woolsack without looking round, and advanced to the table where the proper officer was attending to administer the oaths. When he had gone through them, the Chancellor quitted his seat, and went towards him with a smile, putting out his hand warmly to welcome him; and, though I did not catch his words, I saw that he paid him some compliment. This was all thrown away upon Lord Byron, who made a stiff bow, and put the tips of his fingers into the Chancellor's hand. The Chancellor did...
Σελίδα 215 - ... under martial law ; depopulate and lay waste all around you ; and restore Sherwood Forest as an acceptable gift to the crown in its former condition of a royal chase, and an asylum for outlaws? Are these the remedies for a starving and desperate populace...
Σελίδα 210 - These men were willing to dig, but the spade was in other hands ; they were not ashamed to beg, but there was none to relieve them.
Σελίδα 266 - D wight. who wrote some poems; and his baptismal name was Timothy. There is also a small account of Virginia by Jefferson, and an epic by Joel Barlow : and some pieces of pleasantry by Mr. Irving. But why should the Americans write books, when a six weeks...
Σελίδα 80 - From Yanina, lord Byron went to Tepaleen. Here he was lodged in the palace, and the next day introduced to Ali Pacha, who declared that he knew him to be a man of rank from the smallness of his ears, his curling hair, and his white hands; and who sent him a variety of sweetmeats, fruits, and other luxuries.
Σελίδα 59 - Flush'd as they are with folly, youth, and wine, Their prudent insults to the poor confine ; Afar they mark the flambeau's...
Σελίδα 29 - Most wisely doomed to shun the public sight, What harm? in spite of every critic elf, Sir T. may read his stanzas to himself; Miles Andrews still his strength in couplets try, And live in prologues, though his dramas die.
Σελίδα 206 - But whilst these outrages must be admitted to exist to an alarming extent, it cannot be denied that they have arisen from circumstances of the most unparalleled distress: The perseverance of these miserable men in their proceedings, tends to prove that nothing but absolute want could have driven a large, and once honest and industrious, body of the people, into the commission of excesses so hazardous to themselves, their families, and the community.