The Poetical Works of the Ingenious and Learned William Meston ...: To which is Prefixed, the Author's Life

J. Burnett, bookseller ... and sold by him, and the other booksellers., 1802 - 172 σελίδες

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Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις

Δημοφιλή αποσπάσματα

Σελίδα 135 - The firm patriot there (Who made the welfare of mankind his care) Though still, by faction, vice, and fortune, crost, Shall find the gen'rous labour was not lost.
Σελίδα 127 - So vaft a courage, and fuch pious care, Might conquer earth with arms, and Heaven with prayer. His mighty deeds what tongue can well relate, Or heart endure to hear his rigid fate ! A lofs fo great the world muft needs regret.
Σελίδα 75 - Aim, how godlike muft his nature be, Whofe only fault was too much piety ! This king remov'd, th...
Σελίδα 82 - Pence came flow, and Trade was ill. Yet ftill he fung, and whittled ftill ; Tho' patch'd his Garb, and coarfe his Fare, He laugh'd, and caft away old Care. The rich Man view'd, with Difcontent, His tatter'd Neighbour's Merriment; With Envy grudg'd, and pin'd to fee A Beggar pleafanter than He : And, by degrees, to hate began Th'intolerable happy Man; Who haunted him, like any Sprite, From Morn to Eve, by Day and Night.
Σελίδα 72 - Princes cancell'd nature's law, And declarations which themfelves did draw ; When children us'd their parents to dethrone, , And gnaw their way, like vipers, to a crown.
Σελίδα 152 - Tis true their speech is not so pointed,1 Nor with screwed looks their face disjointed. If scant of Theory, their Praciice Supplies that want, which most exact is. They are not fond of innovations, Nor covet much new reformations : They are not for new paths, but rather Each one jogs after his old father.
Σελίδα 90 - Our Poet now refumes his principal fubjeft i and the reafon why he is fo full in the recapitulation of the laft adventure of our Knight and Squire is, becaufe we had loft fight of our heroes for the fpace of the longeft Canto...
Σελίδα 73 - Hackeft calumnies their ibvereign load, A poifon'd brother, and dark league abroad ; A fon unjuftly top'd upon the throne, Which yet was prov'd undoubtedly his own ; Though, as the law was there, 'twas his behoof, Who difpoflefs'd the heir, to bring the proof. This hellifh charge they back'd with difmal frights. The lofs of property and facred rights, And freedom, words which all falle patriots ufe, As furcft names the Romans to abufe.
Σελίδα 74 - Tullius in diftrefs. This wretch, by letters, did invite his foes, And us'd all arts her father to depofe ; A father, always generoufly bent, • So kind...
Σελίδα 67 - And that, which was before come after. But thofe that write in rhyme, ftill make The one verfe for the other's fake ; For one for fenfe, and one for rhyme, 1 1 hink's fuflicient at one time.

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