either does it, or says that he can't or won't; but if I 'come to Ditto, and say, "Ditto, I have an excellent 'house, or horse, or carriage, or MSS., or books, or pictures, or &c. &c. &c. &c. &c., honestly worth a 'thousand pounds, you shall have them for five hun'dred," what does Ditto say? why, he looks at them, 'he hums, he ha's,―he humbugs, if he can, to get a 'bargain as cheaply as he can, because it is a bargain. This is in the blood and bone of mankind; and the 'same man who would lend another a thousand pounds 'without interest, would not buy a horse of him for ' half its value if he could help it. It is so there's 'no denying it; and therefore I will have as much as 'I can, and you will give as little; and there's an ' end. All men are intrinsical rascals, and I am only sorry that, not being a dog, I can't bite them. 'I am filling another book for you with little anec'dotes, to my own knowledge, or well authenticated, ' of Sheridan, Curran, &c. and such other public men 'as I recollect to have been acquainted with, for I 'knew most of them more or less. I will do what I 'can to prevent your losing by my obsequies. I shall be (the gods willing) in Bologna on Satur'day next. This is a curious answer to your letter; 'but I have taken a house in Pisa for the winter, to 'which all my chattels, furniture, horses, carriages, ' and live stock are already removed, and I am preparing to follow. 'The cause of this removal is, shortly, the exile or proscription of all my friends' relations and con 'nexions here into Tuscany, on account of our late 'politics; and where they go, I accompany them. I 'merely remained till now to settle some arrangements ' about my daughter, and to give time for my furniture, &c. to precede me. I have not here a seat or a bed hardly, except some jury chairs, and tables ' and a mattress for the week to come. 'If you will go on with me to Pisa, I can lodge you 'for as long as you like (they write that the house, the ‹ Palazzo Lanfranchi, is spacious: it is on the Arno); and I have four carriages, and as many saddle-horses (such as they are in these parts), with all other con'veniences, at your command, as also their owner. If you could do this, we may, at least, cross the Apennines together; or if you are going by another road, 'we shall meet at Bologna, I hope. I address this to 'the post-office (as you desire), and you will probably find me at the Albergo di San Marco. If you arrive first, wait till I come up, which will be (barring acci'dents) on Saturday or Sunday at farthest. 'I presume you are alone in your voyages. Moore is in London incog. according to my latest advices 'from those climes. It is better than a lustre (five years and six months ' and some days, more or less) since we met; and, 'like the man from Tadcaster in the farce ("Love laughs at Locksmiths ") whose acquaintances, includ'ing the cat, and the terrier, "who caught a halfpenny in his mouth," were all "gone dead," but too many of our acquaintances have taken the same path. 'Lady Melbourne, Grattan, Sheridan, Curran, &c. &c. ' almost every body of much name of the old school. But "so am not I, said the foolish fat scullion," therefore let us make the most of our remainder. 'Let me find two lines from you at "the hostel or """Tis the middle of night by the castle clock," and ' in three hours more I have to set out on my way to 'Pisa-sitting up all night to be sure of rising. I have just made them take off my bed-clothes-blan'kets inclusive-in case of temptation from the appa'rel of sheets to my eyelids. 'Samuel Rogers is-or is to be-at Bologna, as he 'writes from Venice. 'I thought our Magnifico would "pound you," if possible. He is trying to "pound" me, too; but I'll specie the rogue-or, at least, I'll have the odd shil'lings out of him in keen iambics. "Your approbation of " Sardanapalus" is agreeable, 'for more reasons than one. Hobhouse is pleased to 'think as you do of it, and so do some others-but "the "Arimaspian," whom, like "a Gryphon in the 'wilderness," I will "follow for his gold," (as I ex'horted you to do before,) did or doth disparage it 'stinting me in my sizings." His notable opinions "on the "Foscari" and "Cain" he hath not as yet 'forwarded; or, at least, I have not yet received them, nor the proofs thereof, though promised by ' last post. 'I see the way that he and his Quarterly people are tending they want a row with me, and they shall have it. I only regret that I am not in England for the nonce; as, here, it is hardly fair ground for me, isolated and out of the way of prompt rejoinder and information as I am. But, though backed by all the 'corruption, and infamy, and patronage of their mas'ter rogues and slave renegadoes, if they do once rouse me up, "They had better gall the devil, Salisbury." I have that for two or three of them, which they ⚫ had better not move me to put in motion;—and yet, ' after all, what a fool I am to disquiet myself about 'such fellows! It was all very well ten or twelve years ago, when I was a "curled darling," and 'minded such things. At present, I rate them at their true value; but, from natural temper and bile, ' am not able to keep quiet. 'Let me hear from you on your return from Ireland, 'which ought to be ashamed to see you, after her 'Brunswick blarney. I am of Longman's opinion, 'that you should allow your friends to liquidate the 'Bermuda claim. Why should you throw away the two thousand pounds (of the non-guinea Murray) ' upon that cursed piece of treacherous inveiglement? 'I think you carry the matter a little too far and scrupulously. When we see patriots begging publicly, ' and know that Grattan received a fortune from his country, I really do not see why a man, in no whit inferior to any or all of them, should shrink from accepting that assistance from his private friends 'which every tradesman receives from his connexions upon much less occasions. For, after all, it was not your debt-it was a piece of swindling against you. 'As to and the "what noble creatures"! * I had mentioned to him, with all the praise and gratitude such friendship deserved, some generous offers of aid which, from more than one quarter, I had received at this period, and which, though declined, have been not the less warmly treasured in my recollection. |