' out bleeding. ' chance*.* This time, also, will I take my After much reasoning and repeated entreaties, Mr. Millingen at length succeeded in obtaining from him a promise, that should he feel his fever increase at night, he would allow Dr. Bruno to bleed him. During this day he had transacted business and received several letters; particularly one that much pleased him from the Turkish Governor, to whom he had sent the rescued prisoners, and who, in this communication, thanked him for his humane interference, and requested a repetition of it. In the evening he conversed a good deal with Parry, who remained some hours by his bedside. 'He sat up in his bed (says this officer), and was then 'calm and collected. He talked with me on a variety of subjects connected with himself and his family; he spoke of his intentions as to Greece, his plans for 'the campaign, and what he should ultimately do for 'that country. He spoke to me about my own adventures. He spoke of death also with great composure, and though he did not believe his end was so very 'near, there was something about him so serious and so firm, so resigned and composed, so different from anything I had ever before seen in him, that my 'mind misgave me, and at times foreboded his speedy dissolution.' On revisiting his patient early next morning, Mr. Millingen learned from him, that having passed, as he thought, on the whole, a better night, he had not considered it necessary to ask Dr. Bruno to bleed him. *It was during the same, or some similar conversation, that Dr. Bruno also reports him to have said, 'If my hour is come, I shall die, whether I lose my blood or keep it.' What followed, I shall, in justice to Mr. Millingen, give in his own words*. I thought it my duty now 'to put aside all consideration of his feelings, and to 'declare solemnly to him, how deeply I lamented to see him trifle thus with his life, and show so little ' resolution. His pertinacious refusal had already, I said, caused most precious time to be lost ;-but few hours of hope now remained, and, unless he sub'mitted immediately to be bled, we could not answer 'for the consequences. It was true, he cared not for life; but who could assure him that, unless he changed his resolution, the uncontrolled disease might not operate such disorganization in his system 'as utterly and for ever to deprive him of reason?—I had now hit at last on the sensible chord; and, 'partly annoyed by our importunities, partly per'suaded, he cast at us both the fiercest glance of vex ation, and throwing out his arm, said, in the angriest "tone, "There-you are, I see, a d-d set of butchers '-take away as much blood as you like, but have 'done with it." 'We seized the moment (adds Mr. Millingen) and drew about twenty ounces. On coagulating, the 'blood presented a strong buffy coat; yet the relief 'obtained did not correspond to the hopes we had formed, and during the night the fever became stronger than it had been hitherto. The restlessness ' and agitation increased, and the patient spoke seve'ral times in an incoherent manner.' On the following morning, the 17th, the bleeding was repeated; for, although the rheumatic symptoms had been completely removed, the appearances of *MS.-This gentleman is, I understand, about to publish the Narrative from which the above extract is taken. inflammation on the brain were now hourly increasing. Count Gamba, who had not for the last two days seen him, being confined to his own apartment by a sprained ankle, now contrived to reach his room. 'His countenance,' says this gentleman, at once awakened in me the most dreadful suspicions. He 'was very calm; he talked to me in the kindest 'manner about my accident, but in a hollow, sepul'chral tone. "Take care of your foot," said he, “I 'know by experience how painful it must be." 'could not stay near his bed: a flood of tears rushed into my eyes, and I was obliged to withdraw.' Neither Count Gamba, indeed, nor Fletcher, appear to have been sufficiently masters of themselves to do much else than weep during the remainder of this afflicting scene. I In addition to the bleeding, which was repeated twice on the 17th, it was thought right also to apply blisters to the soles of his feet. When on the point ' of putting them on,' says Mr. Millingen, Lord Byron asked me whether it would answer the purpose to apply both on the same leg. Guessing immediately the motive that led him to ask this question, I told him that I would place them above the knees." Do so," he replied.' It is painful to dwell on such details, but we are now approaching the close. In addition to most of those sad varieties of wretchedness which surround alike the grandest and humblest deathbeds, there was also in the scene now passing around the dying Byron such a degree of confusion and uncomfort as renders it doubly dreary to contemplate. There hav ing been no person invested, since his illness, with authority over the household, neither order nor quiet was maintained in his apartment. Most of the comforts necessary in such an illness were wanting; and those around him, either unprepared for the danger, were, like Bruno, when it came, bewildered by it; or, like the kind-hearted Fletcher and Count Gamba, were by their feelings rendered no less helpless. In all the attend ants,' says Parry, 'there was the 'officiousness of zeal; but owing to their ignorance of each other's language, their zeal only added to the 'confusion. This circumstance, and the want of common necessaries, made Lord Byron's apartment such a picture of distress and even anguish during the two or three last days of his life, as I never before beheld, and wish never again to witness.' The 18th being Easter day, a holiday which the Greeks celebrate by firing off muskets and artillery,it was apprehended that this noise might be injurious to Lord Byron; and, as a means of attracting away the crowd from the neighbourhood, the artillery brigade were marched out by Parry, to exercise their guns at some distance from the town; while, at the same time, the town-guard patrolled the streets, and informing the people of the danger of their benefactor, entreated them to preserve all possible quiet. About three o'clock in the afternoon, Lord Byron rose and went into the adjoining room. He was able to walk across the chamber, leaning on his servant Tita; and, when seated, asked for a book, which the servant brought him. After reading, however, for a few minutes, he found himself faint; and, again taking Tita's arm, tottered into the next room and returned to bed. At this time the physicians, becoming still more alarmed, expressed a wish for a consultation; and proposed calling in, without delay, Dr. Freiber, the medical assistant of Mr. Millingen, and Luca Vaya, a Greek, the physician of Mavrocordato. On hearing this, Lord Byron at first refused to see them; but being informed that Mavrocordato advised it, he said, -Very well, let them come; but let them look at me and say nothing.' This they promised, and were admitted; but when one of them, on feeling his pulse, showed a wish to speak-Recollect,' he said, your promise, and go away.' * It was after this consultation of the physicians that, as it appeared to Count Gamba, Lord Byron was, for the first time, aware of his approaching end. Mr. Millingen, Fletcher, and Tita had been standing round his bed; but the two first, unable to restrain their tears, left the room. Tita also wept; but, as Byron held his hand, could not retire. He, however, turned away his face; while Byron, looking at him steadily, said, half smiling, 'Oh questa è una bella 'scena.' He then seemed to reflect a moment, and exclaimed, Call Parry.' Almost immediately afterwards, a fit of delirium ensued; and he began to talk wildly, as if he were mounting a breach in an assault, -calling out, half in English, half in Italian, For'wards-forwards-courage-follow my example,' &c. &c. On coming again to himself, he asked Fletcher, who had then returned into the room, whether he had sent for Doctor Thomas, as he desired?' and the servant answering in the affirmative, he replied, You 'have done right, for I should like to know what is 'the matter with me.' He had, a short time before, * For Mr. Millingen's account of this consultation, see Appendix. |