EPILOGUE WRITTEN BY SIR SAMUEL GARTH. HAT odd fantastic things we women do! WHAT Who would not liften when young lovers woo? } To give you pain, themselves they punish most. We give to merit, and to wealth we sell : Blame not our conduct, fince we but pursue What pains to get the gaudy thing you hate, CON < A Poem to his Majefty-presented to the Right Hon. Sir John Somers, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, 1695. To the King 7 9 Translation of all Virgil's Fourth Georgic, except the Story of Ariftæus Song for St. Cecilia's Day, at Oxford 17 31 Account of the greatest English Poets. To Mr. Henry Sacheverell 34 Letter from Italy, to the Right Hon. Charles Lord Halifax, 1701 40 Milton's Style imitated, in a Tranflation of a Story out of the Third Æneid 46 The Campaign, a Poem, to his Grace the Duke of Marlborough Cowley's Epitaph on himself 51 68 POEMATA, The Vefta!, from Ovid de Faftis, Lib. III. El. 1. 134 |