An Interesting Narrative of the Travels of James Bruce, Esq., Into Abyssinia: To Discover the Source of the NileSamuel Etheridge, 1798 - 388 σελίδες |
Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων
An Interesting Narrative of the Travels of James Bruce, Esq., Into Abyssinia ... Samuel Shaw,James Bruce Δεν υπάρχει διαθέσιμη προεπισκόπηση - 2018 |
An Interesting Narrative of the Travels of James Bruce, Esq., Into Abyssinia ... Samuel Shaw,James Bruce Δεν υπάρχει διαθέσιμη προεπισκόπηση - 2015 |
Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις
Abyffinia Abyſſinia Agows almoſt alſo anſwer appearance Arabia Arabs army Axum Ayto becauſe Begemder beſt Bruce Cairo called cauſe Chriſtians church cloſe confiderable conſequence cuſtom Damot defire diſtance Egypt eſcaped eſpecially faid fame Faſil fent Fezzan fide filk firſt flain fleſh foldiers fome foon fouth fuch fuffer Galla Geeſh Gojam Gondar horſe houſe hyæna increaſe iſland itſelf Jidda juſt king king's laſt leſs likewife Mafuah miles morning moſt mountain Naybe Nile obſerved occafion Ozoro paffed paſs paſſed perſon plain pleaſed preſent preſerved priests prince purpoſe Ras Michael Red Sea reign reſpect reſt river ſaid ſame ſays ſcarcely ſeaſon ſee ſeemed ſeen Sennaar ſent ſervant ſet ſeveral ſhall ſhe Shekh ſhew ſhips ſhort ſhould ſide ſkin ſmall ſome ſometimes ſon ſpeak ſpirits ſquare ſtanding ſtate ſtill ſtrangers ſtream ſuch ſuppoſed ſurpriſed tent theſe thoſe town traveller trees uſed veſſel village whoſe Yafous
Δημοφιλή αποσπάσματα
Σελίδα 240 - And God said, Behold I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed ; to you it shall be for meat.
Σελίδα 240 - And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to everything that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat; and it was so.
Σελίδα 240 - And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air...
Σελίδα 292 - ... which had uniformly and without exception followed them all. Fame, riches, and honour had been held out for a series of ages to every individual...
Σελίδα 240 - ... full that he is in constant danger of being choked. This is a mark of grandeur. The greater the man would seem to be, the larger piece he takes in his mouth ; and the more noise he makes in chewing it, . the more polite he is thought to be. They have, indeed, a proverb that says, " Beggars and thieves only eat small pieces, or without making a noise.
Σελίδα 219 - A large broad fillet was bound upon their forehead, and tied behind their head. In the middle of this was a horn, or a conical piece of silver, gilt, about four inches long, much in the shape of our common candle extinguishers. This is called kirn, or horn, and is only worn in reviews or parades after victory.
Σελίδα 331 - His left hand is employed -grasping the sword by the handle, and about fourteen inches of the blade is covered with whip-cord. This part he takes in his right hand, without any danger of being hurt by it ; and, though the edges of the lower part of the sword are as sharp as a razor, he carries it without a scabbard.
Σελίδα 380 - ... did actually more than once reach us. Again they would retreat so as to be almost out of sight, their tops reaching to the very clouds. There the tops often separated from the bodies ; and these, once disjoined, dispersed in the air, and did not appear more.
Σελίδα 203 - I thought we were to pitch our tent: the drivers suddenly tripped up the cow, and gave the poor animal a very rude fall upon the ground, which was but the beginning of her sufferings. One of them sat across her neck, holding down her head by the horns, the other twisted the halter about her...
Σελίδα 333 - ... came out from the thicket apparently in great anger, running upon the horses and men with all the violence it was master of.