OF JOSEPH ADDISON, INCLUDING THE WHOLE CONTENTS OF BP. HURD'S EDITION, WITH LETTERS ON HIS LIFE AND WORKS. EDITED, WITH CRITICAL AND EXPLANATORY NOTES, BY GEORGE WASHINGTON GREENE. "No whiter page than Addison remama, He from the taste obscene reclaims our youth, IN FIVE VOLUMES. VOL. I. NEW-YORK: G. P. PUTNAM & CO., 10 PARK PLACE. 1853. PUBLISHERS' ADVERTISEMENT. THE five volumes now offered to the public contain all of Addison's writings, inclusive of his contributions to the "Tatler," "Guardian," and "Spectator." The other parts of those celebrated works-namely, the papers of Steele, Swift, Pope, Tickell, &c.-will be given separately, in two additional volumes, uniform with this edition of Addison, thus forming a complete edition of the most remarkable essays in the English language. |