With flowing tail, and flying mane, Wide nostrils-never stretch'd by pain, Mouths bloodless to the bit or rein, And feet that iron never shod, And flanks unscarr'd by spur or rod, A thousand horse, the wild, the free, Like waves that follow o'er the sea, Came thickly thundering on, As if our faint approach to meet ; The sight re-nerved my courser's feet, A moment staggering, feebly fleet, A moment, with a faint low neigh, He answer'd, and then fell; With gasps and glazing eyes he lay, And reeking limbs immovable,
His first and last career is done! On came the troop-they saw him stoop, They saw me strangely bound along His back with many a bloody thong: They stop, they start, they snuff the air, Gallop a moment here and there, Approach, retire, wheel round and round, Then plunging back with sudden bound, Headed by one black mighty steed, Who seem'd the patriarch of his breed, Without a single speck or hair
Of white upon his shaggy hide;
They snort, they foam, neigh, swerve aside, And backward to the forest fly,
By instinct, from a human eye.
They left me there to my despair,
Link'd to the dead and stiffening wretch, Whose lifeless limbs beneath me stretch, Relieved from that unwonted weight, From whence I could not extricate
Nor him nor me-and there we lay, The dying on the dead!
I little deem'd another day
Would see my houseless, helpless head.
And there from morn to twilight bound, I felt the heavy hours toil round, With just enough of life to see My last of suns go down on me, In hopeless certainty of mind, That makes us feel at length resign'd To that which our foreboding years Presents the worst and last of fears: Inevitable-ev even a boon,
Nor more unkind for coming soon, Yet shunn'd and dreaded with such care, As if it only were a snare
That prudence might escape:
At times both wish'd for and implored, At times sought with self-pointed sword, Yet still a dark and hideous close
To even intolerable woes,
And welcome in no shape.
And, strange to say, the sons of pleasure, They who have revell'd beyond measure In beauty, wassail, wine, and treasure, Die calm, or calmer, oft than he Whose heritage was misery:
For he who hath in turn run through
All that was beautiful and new,
Hath nought to hope, and nought to leave;
And, save the future, (which is view'd
Not quite as men are base or good, But as their nerves may be endued,)
With nought perhaps to grieve:
The wretch still hopes his woes must end, And Death, whom he should deem his friend, Appears, to his distemper'd eyes,
Arrived to rob him of his prize,
The tree of his new Paradise. To-morrow would have given him all, Repaid his pangs, repair'd his fall ; · To-morrow would have been the first Of days no more deplored or curst, But bright, and long, and beckoning years, Seen dazzling through the mist of tears, Guerdon of many a painful hour; To-morrow would have given him power To rule, to shine, to smite, to save- And must it dawn upon his grave?
The sun was sinking—still I lay
Chain'd to the chill and stiffening steed, I thought to mingle there our clay; And my dim eyes of death had need, No hope arose of being freed:
I cast my last looks up the sky,
And there between me and the sun
I saw the expecting raven fly,
Who scarce would wait till both should die, Ere his repast begun ;
He flew, and perch'd, then flew once more, And each time nearer than before;
I saw his wing through twilight flit,
And once so near me he alit
I could have smote, but lack'd the strength; But the slight motion of my hand,
And feeble scratching of the sand, The exerted throat's faint struggling noise, Which scarcely could be call'd a voice,
Together scared him off at length. I know no more-my latest dream Is something of a lovely star
Which fix'd my dull eyes from afar, And went and came with wandering beam, And of the cold, dull, swimming, dense Sensation of recurring sense,
And then subsiding back to death, And then again a little breath, A little thrill, a short suspense, An icy sickness curdling o'er My heart, and sparks that cross'd A gasp, a throb, a start of pain, A sigh, and nothing more.
THE morning watch was come; the vessel lay Her course, and gently made her liquid way; The cloven billow flash'd from off her prow In furrows form'd by that majestic plough; The waters with their world were all before; Behind, the South Sea's many an islet shore. The quiet night, now dappling, 'gan to wane, Dividing darkness from the dawning main ; The dolphins, not unconscious of the day, Swam high, as eager of the coming ray; The stars from broader beams began to creep, And lift their shining eyelids from the deep; The sail resumed its lately shadow'd white, And the wind flutter'd with a freshening flight; The purpling ocean owns the coming sun, But ere he break-a deed is to be done.
He who first met the Highlands' swelling blue Will love each peak that shows a kindred hue, Hail in each crag a friend's familiar face, And clasp the mountain in his mind's embrace. Long have I roam'd through lands which are not mine, Adored the Alp, and loved the Apennine, Revered Parnassus, and beheld the steep Jove's Ida and Olympus crown the deep : But 'twas not all long ages' lore, nor all Their nature held me in their thrilling thrall; The infant rapture still survived the boy, And Loch-na-gar with Ida look'd o'er Troy, Mix'd Celtic memories with the Phrygian mount, And Highland linns with Castalie's clear fount. Forgive me, Homer's universal shade! Forgive me, Phoebus! that my fancy stray'd: The north and nature taught me to adore Your scenes sublime, from those beloved before.
And thou fresh breaking Day, and you, ye Mountains,
Why are ye beautiful? I cannot love ye.
And thou, the bright eye of the universe, That openest over all, and unto all
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