THE MEDITERRANEAN. As rose the Muezzin's voice in air Such as when winds and harp-strings meet, Wakes, though but for a stranger's knell. THE MEDITERRANEAN. SIEGE OF CORINTH. THERE shrinks no ebb in that tideless sea, So that wildest of waves, in their angriest mood, And the powerless moon beholds them flow, Heedless if she come or go; Calm or high, in main or bay, On their course she hath no sway. The rock unworn its base doth bare, And looks o'er the surf, but it comes not there; 77 And the fringe of the foam may be seen below, SIEGE OF CORINTH. THE BATTLE-FIELD AT NIGHT. ALP saw the lean dogs beneath the wall Gorging and growling o'er carcass and limb, They were too busy to bark at him! From a Tartar's skull they had stripp'd the flesh, As ye peel the fig when the fruit is fresh ; And their white tusks crunch'd o'er the whiter skull, As it slipp'd through their jaws, when their edge grew dull, As they lazily mumbled the bones of the dead, When they scarce could rise from the spot where they fed; So well had they broken a lingering fast With those who had fallen for that night's repast. And Alp knew, by the turbans that roll'd on the sand, The scalps were in the wild dog's maw, But close by the shore, on the edge of the gulf, Who had stolen from the hills, but kept away, THE APPARITION OF FRANCESCA. But he seized on his share of a steed that lay, Alp turn'd him from the sickening sight: But he better could brook to behold the dying, And Honour's eye on daring deeds! But when all is past, it is humbling to tread All regarding man as their prey, All rejoicing in his decay. SIEGE OF CORINTH. THE APPARITION OF FRANCESCA.* 79 Was it the wind, through some hollow stone, He lifted his head, and he look'd on the sea, * Corinth, in the hands of the Venetians, is besieged by the Mahometans, and Alp, persecuted by the Venetian government, has joined himself to the enemies of his former country and creed. Francesca, to whom he had been betrothed, is with her father, who commands for the Venetians at Corinth. There she dies, and immediately after appears to Alp, to warn him of his crime. He look'd on the long grass-it waved not a blade; He look'd to the banners-each flag lay still, And he felt not a breath come over his cheek; He turn'd to the left-is he sure of sight? He started up with more of fear The maid who might have been his bride! The rose was yet upon her cheek, But like that cold wave it stood still, Her rounded arm show'd white and bare: And ere yet she made reply, Once she raised her hand on high; It was so wan, and transparent of hue, You might have seen the moon shine through. THE APPARITION OF FRANCESCA. 81 "I come from my rest to him I love best, Never, oh never, we meet again! In falling away from thy fathers' creed: And where should our bridal couch be spread? Shall be left upon the morn: But thee will I bear to a lovely spot, Where our hands shall be join'd, and our sorrow forgot. There thou yet shalt be my bride, When once again I've quell'd the pride Of Venice; and her hated race Upon his hand she laid her own— Light was the touch, but it thrill'd to the bone, Which fix'd him beyond the power to start. |