THE IMPERIAL MAGAZINE; AND, MONTHLY RECORD OF RELIGIOUS, PHILOSOPHICAL, HISTORICAL, BIOGRAPHICAL, H. FISHER, R. FISHER, & P. JACKSON, NEWGATE STREET. PREFACE. THE present times are remarkable for nothing so much as for the extension of the benefits of literature which they have witnessed. Those branches of knowledge which were formerly esteemed as the luxuries of the mind, are now deemed necessaries, and are prosecuted in every walk of society. The difficulty of the student is no longer to obtain but to select the best sources of information from the bewildering accumulations by which he is surrounded. That power which our immortal Bacon attributes to knowledge is wielded by the hands of millions, and it becomes the special and increasing duty of the moralist and the christian to heighten its benefits by keeping pace with its progress; and, by the assiduous inculcation of virtuous principles, to prepare the world for those important changes which all the phenomena of society appear to indicate. To contribute in some humble measure to this important end has been a chief object of that periodical of which another volume is now presented to the public. While it has endeavoured to keep pace with the intellectual and literary improvement of the day, it has contemplated as a paramount object the maintenance of the interests of religion and morals. Its uniform aim has been to arrest the progress of infidelity, to discountenance works of immoral and doubtful tendency, to uphold the interests of humanity, and to impress the great principles of civil and religious liberty. In presenting this Volume to their Subscribers, the Proprietors beg once more to express their thanks to those who have so long favoured them with their patronage, as well as to those who have contributed by their pen to the value and success of this publication. PORTRAITS, VIEWS, ETC. IN VOL. IV. Portrait of William Greenfield, M. R. A. S., Portrait of Rt. Hon. John George Lambton, Baron Durham, 9 57 Carlo Dolci's "Salvator Mundi, View of Abbeville in France,.. 105 153 Portrait of W. Jackson Hooker, LL.D., F.R.S., & L.S.,............. 201 View of Venice, 249 .... Portrait of the Rt. Rev. Beilby Porteus, D.D., Bishop of London.,... 297 |