Fair was that face as break of dawn, And lovely is that heart of thine, Oh! happy sprite! didst thou but know But with deep joy I breathe the air SONNET S. WRITTEN ON THE BANKS OF WASTWATER, DURING A STORM. There is a lake hid far among the hills, If thou art one, in dark presumption blind, Lift thy changed eye, and own how low thou art. II. WRITTEN ON THE BANKS OF WASTWATER, Is this the Lake, the cradle of the storms, Lo! where yon rainbow spans the smiling And, clothed in glory,through a silent shower III. WRITTEN AT MIDNIGHT, ON HELM-CRAG. Go up among the mountains, when the storm Seems to thy breathless heart with life 'Mid those gaunt, shapeless things thou art alone! The mind exists, thinks, trembles through The memory of the human world is gone, While sable glooms round Nature's temple And her dread anthem peals into thy soul. IV. THE EVENING-CLOUD. A cloud lay cradled near the setting sun, Wafted the traveller to the beauteous West. And by the breath of mercy made to roll V. WRITTEN ON SKIDDAW, DURING A TEMPEST. It was a dreadful day, when late I pass'd O'er thy dim vastness, SKIDDAW!-Mist and cloud Each subject Fell obscured, and rushing blast To thee made darling music, wild and loud, Thou Mountain-Monarch! Rain in torrents play'd, As when at sea a wave is borne to heaven, A watery spire, then on the crew dismay'd Of reeling ship with downward wrath is driven. I could have thought that every living form Had fled, or perished in that savage storm, So desolate the day. To me were given Peace, calmness, joy: then, to myself I said: Can grief, time, chance, or elements controul Man's charter'd pride, the Liberty of Soul? VI. I wander'd lonely, like a pilgrim sad, Slept in the shade, or gloried in the blaze. Fair, nameless tarns, that seem to blend with sky, Rocks of wild majesty, and elfin streams. How strange, methought, I should have lived so near, Nor ever worshipp'd Nature's altar here! VII. The Lake lay hid in mist, and to the sand I gazed upon them with a pensive eye, The first faint touch unable to withstand, EXTRACTS FROM THE CITY OF THE PLAGUE. ACT I. SCENE I. Old Man. Three months ago Within my soul I heard a mighty sound As of a raging river, day and night Triumphing through the city: 'twas the voice Of London sleepless in magnificence. This morn I stood and listen'd. Art thou dead, Queen of the world! I ask'd my awe-struck heart, And not one breath of life amid the silence Sin brought the judgment: it was terrible. With age decrepit, and wasted to the bone; And youthful frames, august and beautiful, In spite of mortal pangs,-there lie they all Embraced in ghastliness! But look not long, For haply, 'mid the faces glimmering there, The well-known cheek of some beloved friend Will meet thy gaze, or some small snowwhite hand, Bright with the ring that holds her lover's I look'd through the lift o' the blue smiling hair. Young Man. I rise to give, most noble President, The memory of a man well known to all, Who by keen jest, and merry anecdote, Sharp repartee, and humorous remark Most biting in its solemn gravity, Much cheer'd our out-door table, and dispell'd The fogs which this rude visitor the Plague morning, But never ae wee cloud o' mist could I see On its way up to heaven, the cottage adorn ing, Hanging white ower the green o' its sheltering tree. By the outside I ken'd that the inn was forsaken, That nae tread o' footsteps was heard on the floor; O loud craw'd the cock whare was nane to awaken, And the wild-raven croak'd on the seat by the door! Oft breathed across the brightest intellect. Sic silence sic lonesomeness, oh, were I heard nae lass But two days past, our ready laughter chased stands Empty at your right hand- as if expecting Master of Revels. 'Tis the first death Hath been amongst us, therefore let us drink His memory in silence. Young Man. Be it so. [They all rise, and drink their glasses in silence. Master of Revels. Sweet Mary Gray! Thou hast a silver voice, bewildering! singing when herding her sheep; garlands o' wee rosy children But the foam in the silence o' nature was | And fifty brown hillocks wi' fresh mould fa'ing, Sic thoughts wet my een- as the moonshine and white; The mirk-time pass'd slowly in siching and weeping, I waken'd, and nature lay silent in mirth; Ower a' holy Scotland the Sabbath was sleeping, And Heaven in beauty came down on the earth. The morning smiled on— but nae kirk-bell was ringing, Nae plaid or blue bonnet came down frae the hill; The kirk-door was shut, but nae psalm-tune was singing, And I miss'd the wee voices sae sweet and sae shrill. I look'd ower the quiet o' Death's empty dwelling, The lav'rock walk'd mute 'mid the rowful scene, were swelling Ower the kirk-yard o' Denholm, last simmer sae green. The infant had died at the breast o' its mither; The cradle stood still at the mitherless bed; At play the bairn sunk in the hand o' its brither; At the fauld on the mountain the shepherd lay dead. Oh! in spring-time 'tis eerie, when winter And nae blackbird sings loud frae the tap But eerier far, when the spring-land rejoices, Master of Revels. We thank thee, sweet It seems, in the olden time, this very Plague Murmuring their songs of joy. All that survive In memory of that melancholy year, Most touching in simplicity, and none Mary Gray. O! that I ne'er had sung it Unto my aged parents! to whose ear It is the angel-voice of innocence, 2d Woman. I thought this cant were out But it is well; there are some simple souls, sor-She thinks her eyes quite killing while she weeps. |