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Βιβλία Βιβλία
" And that which casts our proficiency therein so much behind is our time lost partly in too oft idle vacancies given both to schools and universities; partly in a preposterous exaction, forcing the empty wits of children to compose themes, verses, and... "
The Classical Journal - Σελίδα 241
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The Parents' Friend; Or Extracts from the Principal Works on ..., Τόμος 2

1803 - 456 σελίδες
...in too oft idle vacancies given both to schools and universities, partly in a preposterous exaction, forcing the empty wits of children to compose themes,...acts of ripest judgment, and the final work of a head well filled by long reading, and observing with elegant maxims and copious invention. These are not...

Prose Works ...: Containing His Principal Political and ..., Τόμος 1

John Milton - 1809 - 536 σελίδες
...in too oft idle vacancies given both to schools and universities: partlyina preposterous exaction, forcing the empty wits of children to compose themes, verses, and orations, I which are the acts of ripest judgment, and the final work of a head filled by long reading and observing,...

The Monthly Anthology, and Boston Review, Τόμος 9

David Phineas Adams, William Emerson, Samuel Cooper Thacher - 1810 - 444 σελίδες
...the real opinions of two illustrious writers on this point of school compositions. Milton rejects ihe practice altogether, and calls it "forcing the empty...acts of ripest judgment, and the final work of a head filled, by long reading and observing, with elegant maxims and copious inventions. These are not matters,...

The Monthly Anthology, and Boston Review, Τόμοι 8-9

Samuel Cooper Thacher, David Phineas Adams, William Emerson - 1810 - 874 σελίδες
...real opinions of two illustrious 'writers on this point of school compositions. Milton rejects ihe practice altogether, and calls it "forcing the empty wits of children to compose themes, verses, and ora« tions, which are the acts of ripest judgment, and the final work of a head filled, by long reading...

The Imperial magazine; or, Compendium of religious, moral ..., Τόμος 6

1824 - 604 σελίδες
...too oft idle vacancies given both to schools and universities ; partly in a preposterous exaction, forcing the empty wits of children to compose themes, verses, and orations, which are the acts of riper judgment, and the final work of a head filled by long reading and observing, with elegant maxims...

The Elements of English Composition: Serving as a Sequel to the Study of Grammar

David Irving - 1821 - 336 σελίδες
...in too oft idle vacancies given both to schools and universities, partly in a preposterous exaction, forcing the empty wits of children to compose themes,...the acts of ripest judgment, and the final work of ahead fill'd, by long reading and observing, with elegant maxims, and .cop'ious invention. 1 hese are...

Plans for the Government and Liberal Instruction of Boys, in Large Numbers ...

Matthew Davenport Hill - 1822 - 264 σελίδες
...Landlord, 1st series, vol. ii. t Milton, in his little work on Education, reprobates the practice of " Forcing the empty wits of children to compose themes, verses, and orations, which are acts of ripest judgment, for acquiring the minor qualifications of grammatical correctness, and tact...

Precept and example, in the instructive letters of eminent men to their ...

Precept - 1825 - 302 σελίδες
...in too oft idle vacancies given both to schools and universities, partly in a preposterous exaction, forcing the empty wits of children to compose themes,...acts of ripest judgment, and the final work of a head filled, by long reading and observing, with elegant maxims, and copious invention. These are not matters...

The Works of Francis Bacon: Lord Chancellor of England, Τόμος 2

Francis Bacon - 1825 - 526 σελίδες
...too oft idle vacancies given both to schools and universities : * partly in a preposterous exaction, forcing the empty wits of ' children to compose themes,...acts of ripest judgment, and the final work of a head filled by ' long reading and observing, with elegant maxims and copious in' vention. These are not...

A Selection from the English Prose Works of John Milton, Τόμος 2

John Milton - 1826 - 368 σελίδες
...too oft idle vacancies given both to schools and universities ; partly in a preposterous exaction, forcing the empty wits of children to compose themes,...acts of ripest judgment, and the final work of a head filled, by long reading and observing, with elegant maxims and copious invention. These are not matters...

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