The Acting Drama; Containing Sixty Highly Popular Plays, Etc

John Williamson, 1839 - 892 σελίδες

Αναζήτηση στο βιβλίο

Επιλεγμένες σελίδες


Άλλες εκδόσεις - Προβολή όλων

Συχνά εμφανιζόμενοι όροι και φράσεις

Δημοφιλή αποσπάσματα

Σελίδα 236 - The stars shall fade away, the sun himself Grow dim with age, and Nature sink in years, But thou shalt flourish in immortal youth, Unhurt amidst the war of elements, The wreck of matter, and the crush of worlds.
Σελίδα 100 - The throne we honour is the people's choice ; the laws we reverence are our brave fathers' legacy ; the faith we follow teaches us to live in bonds of charity with all mankind, and die with hope of bliss beyond the grave. Tell your invaders this, and tell them, too, we seek no change : and, least of all, such change as they would bring us.
Σελίδα 100 - They boast they come but to improve our state, enlarge our thoughts, and free us from the yoke of error ! Yes: they will give enlightened freedom to our minds, who are themselves the slaves of passion, avarice, and pride. They offer us their protection. Yes, such protection as vultures give to lambs — covering and devouring them ! They call on us to barter all of good we have inherited and proved, for the desperate chance of something better which they promise. Be our plain answer this : The throne...
Σελίδα 42 - Observe me, Sir Anthony — I would by no means wish a daughter of mine to be a progeny of learning; I don't think so much learning becomes a young woman. For instance — I would never let her meddle with Greek or Hebrew, or algebra, or simony, or fluxions, or paradoxes, or such inflammatory branches of learning...
Σελίδα 183 - My name is Norval : on the Grampian hills My father feeds his flocks; a frugal swain, Whose constant cares were to increase his store, And keep his only son, myself, at home.
Σελίδα 245 - I'm certain he scarce looked in my face the whole time. Yet the fellow, but for his unaccountable bashfulness, is pretty well, too. He has good sense, but then so buried in his fears, that it fatigues one more than ignorance.
Σελίδα 236 - The wide, the unbounded prospect lies before me; But shadows, clouds, and darkness rest upon it. Here will I hold. If there's a power above us — And that there is, all nature cries aloud Through all her works — He must delight in virtue; And that which He delights in must be happy.
Σελίδα 42 - I would have her instructed in geometry, that she might know something of the contagious countries...
Σελίδα 240 - GENUS a better discerning. Let them brag of their Heathenish Gods, Their Lethes, their Styxes, and Stygians, Their...
Σελίδα 114 - Burn ! First burn, and level Venice to thy ruin. What ! starve like beggars' brats in frosty weather, Under a hedge, and whine ourselves to death ! Thou, or thy cause, shall never want assistance, Whilst I have blood or fortune fit to serve thee; Command my heart: thou art every way its master.

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