| George Fox - 1709 - 634 σελίδες
...know, 'hat Abraham vill command bit Cbil. ' dren, and hit Houfheli after him ; and they Jhatt keep ' the Way of the Lord, to do Juftice and Judgment, ' that the Lord may bring upon Abraham the tbingi, ' that he hathfpoken of him. And the latter, we read, ' faid (Jojh. 24. i yj — Cbufe... | |
| Church of Scotland - 1719 - 666 σελίδες
...Honour, I know him, that he will command hit Children and his Hot] laid after him, and theyjhall hasp the Way of the Lord, to do Juftice and Judgment; that the Lord may bring ujan Abraham that which he batbfpo tun of him (e) : And the fatal Confequence of a NeelecT: of this... | |
| Edward Harley - 1730 - 332 σελίδες
...COMMAND his CHILDREN and his Houfhold after him, and they fhall KEEP THE WAY of thp LORD, to do JUSTICE and Judgment ; that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which he hath fpoken of him. 20 And the LORD faid, Becaufe the Cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and becaufe... | |
| Edward Harley - 1735 - 764 σελίδες
...COMMAND his CHILDREN and his Houfhold after him, and they fhall KEEP THE WAY of the LORD, to do JUSTICE and Judgment; that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which he hath ipoken of him. 20 And the LORD faid, Becaufe the Cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and becaufe... | |
| Samuel Clarke - 1744 - 416 σελίδες
...For I know Him, that he ivill command his children and his houfehold after him, and they fiall keep the 'way of the Lord, to do Juftice and Judgment; that the Lord may bring upon A* braham, that ivhich he hath fpoken of him. Upon account of This character, and the Bleffings confequent... | |
| Samuel Clarke - 1744 - 434 σελίδες
...command his children and his houftold after him, and they jkall keep the way of the Lord, to do jiiftice and judgment ; that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he has fpoken of him, Thefe Thefe words of God himfelj in the Old SER M. Teftament, are fufficiently clear.... | |
| Thomas Sherlock - 1758 - 410 σελίδες
...For I know him, that he will command hh Children, and his Houfhold after him ; and they flwtt keep the Way of the Lord, to do Juftice and Judgment ;...that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that "which he hath fpoken of him. Words of the Text are the g" Words of the Lord concerning Abraham, the Father of... | |
| Thomas Sherlock - 1758 - 414 σελίδες
...command his Children, and his Houjhold after him ; and they Jhall keep the Way of the Lord, to do yujlice and Judgment ; that the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he hath fpoken of him. , Words of the Text are the Words of the Lord concerning jKg£ Abraham, the Father... | |
| John Witherspoon, William Shenstone - 1765 - 298 σελίδες
...children and his houfhold •* I Sam. iii. n, 12, 13, i ... i : " after M after him, and they fhall keep the way of the " Lord, to do juftice and' judgment,...that the "- Lord may bring upon Abraham that which he •' hath fpokeiwof him *."' Nothing, indeed, can be more plain from reafon itfelf, than that, in proportion... | |
| John Griffith - 1765 - 124 σελίδες
...For I know him, " that he will command his children, and his " houfhold after him, and they mall keep the way " of the Lord, to do juftice and judgment..." the Lord may bring upon Abraham that which *' he hath fpoken of him." In chap. xvii. ver. 1 §. his godly concern appears earneft, even for the child... | |
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