ESTABLISHED 1776. A. BININGER & CO., IMPORTERS OF FINE Brandies, Wines, Liquors, Segars, TEAS, AND GROCERIES, Nos. 92 & 94 LIBERTY ST., ABRAHAM B. CLARK, NEW-YORK. ABRAHAM BININGER, The only and Sole Successors of ABRAHAM BININGER, Sr., who commenced this business in 1776 end which has been handed successively to son and grandsons, down to the present day. HENRY WARD BEECHER'S SERMONS Published Weekly in THE INDEPENDENT. In addition to the interesting matter contained in every successive number of The Independent, the Publisher is happy to announce that the Sunday Morning Sermons of REV. HENRY WARD BEECHER will appear exclusively in its columns every week. They are the only reports given to the press which receive revision from the Author's own hand Among other special contributors are the following well known writers: MRS. HARRIET BEECHER STOWE, REV. GEO. B. CHEEVER, and Terms, $2 a year, payable in advance. Address, JOSEPH H. RICHARDS, Publisher, No. 5 Beekman Street, N. Y. FOR SALE BY ALL NEWS AGENTS. A. S. BARNES & BURR'S PUBLICATIONS. Clark's 1st Lessons in English Grammar,. Clark's Analysis of the English Language,..... Ciark's New English Grammar, $0.30 | Clark's Grammatical Chart,. 0.40 Welch's Analysis of the English Sentence,. 0.60 The Rhode Island School Master says of Clark's Grammar: $0.75 2.00 "This is one of the Grammars that proceeds upon the principle of Analysis. "Its method is natural and its statements and explanations clear and accurate. "Its black-board exercise and illustrations are admirable, and its method of setting the scholar at composition are the only ones correct." From the Racine Advocate. Clark's Grammar is a new thing in the study of language. By this system the black-board, the great weapon of the modern educator, is made to play an important part even in the ordinarily dry and dull study of English Grammar. His diagrams are at once simple and unique in connection, and universal in application. The most wild and uncouth sentences ever written, with the most polished and mellifluous of Byron or Tom Moore, are readily caught, tamed, and made to trot in double or single harness through the scholars' parsing vocabulary. Whilst looking over the pages of Clark's New Grammar, we could but think of old Lindley Murray, and the aching heads that used in our boyish days to pore over his crabbed pages, and wonder why no body ever thought of so obvious an improvement before. The following works, belonging to this library, will be sent to any address, post-paid, on receipt of One Dollar for each copy by the publishers: Page's Theory and Practice of Teaching, (post-paid,) $1.00 | Root on School Amusements,. ..$1.00 1.00 Northend's Teacher and Parent, 1.00 Bate's Institute Lectures, (a new work,)' 1.00 The Normal Method of Teaching, (a new work,).... 1.00 1.00 History of the Progress of Education, (a new work,) 1.00 1.00 Dwight's Higher Christian Education, (a new work,) 1.00 1.00 LOCAL, DESCRIPTIVE, AND PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, COMBINED IN M'NALLY'S SYSTEM OF GEOGRAPHY. 100 Pages devoted to Local and Descriptive Geography - The remaining Pages to Physical Geography, including Two Splendid Charts. 33 MAPS, INCLUDING NEW MAPS OF CALIFORNIA, MINNESOTA, KANSAS, NEBRASKA, AND DACOTAH. The success of this work during the few years it has been before the public has been unprecedented. With the lower numbers (Montieth's) of the series of which it forms a part, it has been most extensively introduced throughout the United States, and recommended in nearly every State where official recommendations are made. In its new form it obviates the use of a separate work on Physical Geography, presenting as it does the leading features of that branch under proper divisions. As no change will be made in its retail price, (One Dollar,) it is now before the public at one half the price charged for other Geographies embracing the features it comprehends. PARKER & WATSON'S National Series of Leaders and Spellers Grateful to the public for the appreciation manifested by the most extensive introduction of these Readers since their completion in July, 1858, the Publishers would respectfully announce that they have just added to the Fourth Number of the Series several Selections from Modern Authors, embracing with those now included the amplest variety, and designed to render this work worthy to occupy the place of the Fifth Number of many of the other Series in use. The Fifth Number of the Series comprises 600 pages, embracing in two chapters (52 pages) a most simple and eminently practical treatise on Elocution, together with 245 selections, (including a great many from modern authors,) and over 100 Biographical Sketches, comprehending the leading events in the lives of the authors from whom selections are taken. It is universally conceded by impartial Educators who have examined the lower numbers of this Series, that they embrace the true method of teaching Primary Reading, and that these Selections are designed to inculcate a moral tone, as well as to give proper direction to the expansion of the youthful mind. These Readers will be furnished for examination, with reference to introduction, at the following rates: National Primer,.. Do. 1st Reader, Do. 2d Reader,. " 8 cents. National 4th Reader,.. 371 cents 50 8 " Do. 8d Reader, 25 6" Do. Primary Speller,. ..124 " A. S. BARNES & BURR, 51 & 53 John Street, New-York. JOHN P. JEWETT AND COMPANY NO. 20 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. Copeland's Country Life. By R. Morris Copeland. A complete handbook of Agriculture, Horticulture, and Landscape Gardening. Illustrated with 225 Engravings. 1 vol., 8vo., 825 pages. Third edition. Cloth. $2.50. Dadd's New Cattle Doctor. By George H. Dadd, V. S. The most complete work on Cattle and their Diseases ever published. With numerous Illustrations. Third edition, Cloth. $1.00. The Physiology of Marriage. By Dr. Alcott. Twenty-fifth Thousand. New and enlarged edition. 12mo. Cloth $1.00. The Moral Philosophy of Courtship and Marriage. By Dr. Alcott. Fifth thousand. New and enlarged edition. 12mo. Cloth. $1.00. The Laws of Health. For Schools and Families. By Dr. Alcott. 1 vol. 12mo. Forty Years in the Wilderness of Pills & Powders. Or the Cogitations and Confessions of an Aged Physician. By Dr. Alcott. 1 vol. 12mo. Cloth. $1.00. The New Temperance Melodist. A choice collection of Songs, Glees, and other pieces, for the use of Temperance Societies. By Stephen Hubbard, Esq., Professor of Music. 1 vol. 12mo. 38 cents. The Pitts Street Chapel Lectures. Delivered in Boston, by Clergymen of six different Denominations, during the Winter of 1858. Twelfth Thousand. 12mo. Cloth. $1.00. Debt and Grace. As related to the doctrine of a Future Life. By Prof. C. F. Hudson. This is one of the most learned Theological Works of the age. 1 vol. 12mo. Cloth. Sixth edition. $1.25. Voices from the Silent Land. Or Leaves of Consolation for the Afflicted. By Mrs. H. Dwight Williams. 12mo. Plain cloth. New edition, revised and enlarged with Steel Plate, $1.00. Same work gilt, $1.50. Bishop Butler's Writings. Edited by Rev. J. T. Chaplin, D. D., President of Waterville College. 1. Butler's Ethical Discourses and Essay on Virtue, arranged as a Treatise on Moral Philosophy. 2. Butler's Analogy of Religion, with Analysis and Notes. 2 vols. 12mo. Half morocco. $1.50. The Writings of Grace Kennedy. Containing Dunalian, or Know what you Judge, Father Allen's American Biographical Dictionary. By Rev. William Allen, D. D. Third edition. 1 vol. Royal 8vo. 900 pages. Full sheep. $5.00. Half morocco, marble edge, $6.00. History of British India, Ancient and Modern. By Rev. D. O. Allen, D. D., for Twenty-five Years a Resident of India, and Missionary of the American Board. 1 vol. 8vo. Cloth. $2.00. For Beautifying, Puffing, Curling, Laying and Setting the Hair. Imparts a Silky Gloss and Softness, And at same time a stiffness. And at same time a stiffness. And at same time a stiffness. As you As you dress the Hair so it remains. Try it and then judge. It's the beau ideal of the Toilet. A perfect Gem! A perfect Gem! For Ladies' and Children's use. For the Beauty, Fashion and Respectability. The Toilet-the Toilet-the Toilet. It's a first-class article. Delightful-Delightful-Delightful! It should be in every family. It's the best preparation For the Hair-for the Hair In the World. In the World. "Mary, what have you on your hair?" "Well, because your hair looks so glossy and silky, and lies so smooth and nice on your head. Why, it's really beautiful! I never saw you with your hair so handsomely arranged; what a soft, delicate, and gentle appearance it has. Who dressed it ?יי "I did, myself, Laura." "What did you put on it?-you might as well out with it, and not keep me in such painful suspense; I'll find out any way, and you might as well tell me first as last, for I am quite sure there must be something new out. I have seen many fashionable ladies, mingled with them at Newport, Saratoga, Niagara Falls, and every other first-class place seen the honored bride at the Diamond Wedding, arrayed like a queen, and with all the splendor that wealth could bestow-have made tours through Europe-have seen the beauty and fashion of the Old World-seen Queens and Empresses, etc., etc., but never was so fascinated with a head of hair as yours. Why, it's exquisite in. the extreme! Come, Mary, do tell me what is it?" "Well, Laura, I'll tell you, it's a perfect Gem for Ladies, and so nice for children. Come here, daughter, let this lady see how nice your hair sets; call your brother, dear." "Georgy, come; mother wants you, to show this lady how beautiful your hair is fixed." "There, Laura, don't they look sweet! Look how that top-knot sets! I dressed my hair with it the other evening to go to a ball; I danced nearly all night, and in the morning my hair was just as smooth as when I went on the floor. The secret of this thing, Laura, is, as you dress or fix your hair, so it remains. It keeps the hair in position." "Well, Mary, I knew there must be something out, for I know you had tried every thing." "Yes, Laura, and the beauty of this is, it's a first-class article for the first-class times we live in." "Where is it to be had-do the druggists keep it? Come, Mary, do tell me what it is." "Well, Laura, if the druggists and fancy dealers don't have it, they will be behind the age, for I tell you it's the ne plus ultra of the times." "Stop, Mary, stop; for pity's sake stop, and tell me what it is." "Well, Laura, I'll tell you; it's Mrs. Sciple's Celebrated Soft French Tallow." "Where can I procure a box, Mary?" "You can get it at the depot, 28 Ann Street, 616 Broadway, and, in a short time, in every drug and fancy house in the known world." Street, near the Astor House, N. Y. Price, 50 cents per box; sent by Express. For sale at 616 Broadway. [To be continued.) We offer this Range to the public as the very best Cooking apparatus in the market. It does all the work-Roasting, Baking, Broiling, etc., etc.-well, with great economy of fuel, and is very simple, heavy, and solid; will last longer than any other Range, and be a great saving in fuel. Sizes from 3 feet 6 inches to 20 feet long, and prices from $28, up. Manufactured and for sale, wholesale and retail, and put up, in city and country, by BRAMHALL, HEDGE & CO., 442 BROADWAY, NEW-YORK. |