THE POETICAL WORKS OF THE INGENIOUS AND LEARNED WILLIAM MESTOΝ, Α. Μ. SOMETIME PROFESSOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE MARISCHAL COLLEGE OF ABERDEEN. TO WHICH IS PREFIXED, THE AUTHOR's. LIFE. Omne vafer vitium ridenti Flaccus amico PERSIUS. THE SEVENTH EDITION. 1 ABERDEEN: PRINTED BY J. BURNETT, BOOKSELLER, END OF BROADSTREET; 1802. LIFE OF THE AUTHOR. WILLIAM MESTON was born in the parish of Midmar, in Aberdeenshire, about the year 1688, and was descended not of rich, but of honest parents. His father was a blacksmith, and by his industry laboured to give his fon a liberal education, to promote which the quickness of his parts greatly contributed. To the memory of this and his other parent, our author erected a monument, with a classical epitaph, in the parish churchyard of Midmar. He was bred at the Marischal College, where he made a very great proficiency in every branch of learning. After finishing his studies at the University, he was elected one of the Doctors of the High School of Aberdeen, in which department he continued for some time. Some years after, the family of Marischal, being informed of his qualifications, took him under their patronage, and made choice of him as preceptor or governor to the present Earl, and his brother the late Marshal Keith. In this character he acquitted himself to excellent purpose, as appears from the following circumstance. |