THE POETICAL WORKS OF THE INGENIOUS AND LEARNED WILLIAM MESTON, A. M. SOMETIME PROFESSOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE MARISCHAL COLLEGE OF ABERDEEN. TO WHICH IS PREFIXED, THE AUTHOR'S LIFE. Omne vafer vitium ridenti Flaccus amico PERSIUS. THE SEVENTH EDITION. ABERDEEN: PRINTED BY J. BURNETT, BOOKSELLER, END OF BROADSTREET; 1802. LIFE OF THE AUTHOR. WILLIAM MESTON was born in the parish of Midmar, in Aberdeenshire, about the year 1688, and was descended not of rich, but of honeft parents. His father was a blacksmith, and by his industry labour. ed to give his fon a liberal education, to promote which the quickness of his parts greatly contributed. To the memory of this and his other parent, our author erected a monument, with a claffical epitaph, in the parish churchyard of Midmar. He was bred at the Marifchal College, where he made a very great proficiency in every branch of learning. After finishing his ftudies at the University, he was elected one of the Doctors of the High School of Aberdeen, in which department he continued for fome time. Some years after, the family of Marischal, being informed of his qualifications, took him under their patronage, and made choice of him as preceptor or governor to the prefent Earl, and his brother the late Marfhal Keith. In this character he acquitted himself to excellent purpose, as appears from the following circumftance. A vacancy having happened, about the year 1714, in the office of profeffor of phiiofophy in the Marifchal College, he was, by the intereft of the Countefs of Marifchal, inftalled in that capacity, for the discharge of which he was every way qualified. This office he filled with applaufe, till the troubles broke out in Scotland in the 1715, when, most unluckily for him, he thought proper to follow the fortunes of his noble Patrons, who made him governor of Dunottar Castle. After the defeat at Sheriffmuir, he betook himself, with a few companions, to the hills, where he skulked till the act of indemnity was published. During this time he compofed, for the entertainment of himself and his affociates, feveral of Mother Grim's Tales. He was steady and invariable in his principles, both civil and religious; and neither the fhocks of adverfity, nor the flattering profpect of profperity, could make him fwerve from his perfuafion. Had he complied with the forms required by the government, after matters were fettled in this country, he might have been reponed to his office; but that he difdained to do, and chofe rather to throw himself upon Providence, than act a part contrary to his conviction. While the late Countefs of Marifchal was alive, he refided moftly in her family, where he indulged his vein of pleasantry, to the entertainment of the company who paid their re fpects fpects to her Ladyfhip: but upon her death he was left in a deftitute fituation. How he difpofed of himself immediately after, we have not with certainty learned; but fome years afterwards he commenced an Academy at Elgin, in conjunction with his brother Mr. Samuel Mefton, who was remarkably qualified for teaching the Greek language. Here he continued for feveral years, inftructing young gentlemen in all the branches of learning taught at the Univerfities, whither the flower of the youth of the northern counties reforted to him from all quarters. By the advantages arifing from his boarding, in a country where provifions were cheap, and the fees paid him for teaching, he acquired a pretty comfortable living but economy was none of his talent; for he entertained a moft perfect contempt for money. His friend, his bottle, and his book, were his fole enjoy ments. The Academy at Elgin beginning to languish, he removed to Turreff, a little village on the north-weft confines of Aberdeenshire. He had been invited thither by the late Countess of Errol, to whom he was well known, and to whofe munificence on many occasions he was greatly indebted. By her generofity, he poffeffed the family lodging in that village rent-free, and had many prefents fent him by orders of that noble perfonage. Here his Academy continued to flourish |