JOHN NEWTON, CLERK, Once an infidel and libertine, A servant of slaves in Africa, Was by the rich mercy of our Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST, Preserved, restored, pardoned, And appointed to preach the faith he Had long laboured to destroy, Near 16 years... The Footpath and Highway: Or, Wanderings of an American in Great Britain, in ... - Σελίδα 109των Benjamin Moran - 1853 - 391 σελίδεςΠλήρης προβολή - Σχετικά με αυτό το βιβλίο
 | George Godwin - 1839 - 776 σελίδες
...the stone is the following inscription, which was written by himself. " John Newton, clerk, once an infidel and libertine, a servant of slaves in Africa,...pardoned, and appointed to preach the faith he had long laboured to destroy." It seems that the early part of Newton's life was spent at 1 The gallery at the... | |
 | English monthly tract society - 1838 - 640 σελίδες of St. Mary Woolnoth, London, testifies, — he was "once an infidel and libertine," although, " by the rich mercy of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,...pardoned, and appointed to preach the faith he had once laboured to destroy." In his childhood he had been otherwise taught: but having been, while a... | |
 | George Godwin, John Britton - 1839 - 380 σελίδες
...the stone is the following inscription, which was written by himself. " John Newton, clerk, once" an infidel and libertine, a servant of slaves in Africa,...pardoned, and appointed to preach the faith he had long laboured to destroy." It seems that the early part of Newton's life was spent at 1 The gallery at the... | |
 | John Newton - 1839 - 496 σελίδες
...plain marble tablet, near the vestry door, to the following purport : — JOHN NEWTON, CLERK, Once an infidel and libertine, A servant of slaves in Africa,...pardoned, And appointed to preach the faith he Had long laboured to destroy, Near 16 years at Olney in Bucks ; And — years in this church. On Feb. I, 1750,... | |
 | 1876 - 818 σελίδες
...plain marble tablet near the vestry door, to the following purport :— " JOHN NEWTON, CLERR, Once an infidel and libertine, A servant of slaves in Africa,...pardoned, And appointed to preach the faith He had long laboured to destroy, Near 16 years at Olney in Bucks ; And — years in this church. On Feb. 1, 1750,... | |
 | J. S. A. - 1849 - 274 σελίδες
...after his death upon a marble tablet near the vestry door of his church. JOHN NEWTON, CLERK, ONCE AN INFIDEL AND LIBERTINE, A SERVANT OF SLAVES IN AFRICA,...PARDONED, AND APPOINTED TO PREACH THE FAITH HE HAD LONG LABOURED TO DESTROY. P This was a humble and grateful acknowledgment of the mercy of his Heavenly Father,... | |
 | 1849 - 612 σελίδες
...upon a plain marble tablet, near the vestry door of his church : — " John Newton, Clerk, Once an Infidel and Libertine, A Servant of Slaves in Africa,...pardoned, And appointed to preach the faith He had long laboured to destroy, Near sixteen years at Olney, in Bucks, And . . .years in this church." We could... | |
 | lady Charlotte Murdoch Wake - 1850 - 330 σελίδες himself, in the Epitaph he wrote for his own tomb — John Newton, Clerk, once an Infidel and a Libertine, a servant of slaves in Africa, was, by...pardoned, and appointed to preach the Faith he had long laboured to destroy, &c. changed by the power of God from a hardened and wilful sinner into the devoted... | |
 | Charles Hargreaves - 1850 - 242 σελίδες
...of St. Mary's, "Woolwich, London, testifies, — he was "once an infidel and libertine," although, "by the rich mercy of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,...pardoned, and appointed to preach the faith he had once laboured to destroy." In his childhood he had been otherwise taught : but having been, while a... | |
 | Peter Cunningham - 1851 - 382 σελίδες
...rector of this church for 28 years (d. 1807). It is thus inscribed : — " John Newton, clerk, once an infidel and libertine, a servant of slaves .in Africa,...pardoned, and appointed to preach the faith he had long laboured to destroy." ST. MARTIN-iN-THE-FIELDS, (now in Trafalgar-square) was built by Gibbs, 1721-26,... | |
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