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Βιβλία Βιβλία
" ... With this her solemn bird, and this fair moon, And these the gems of Heaven her starry train : But neither breath of Morn when she ascends With charm of earliest birds ; nor rising sun On this delightful land ; nor herb, fruit, flower, Glistering... "
The Works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison - Σελίδα 221
των Joseph Addison - 1804
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Shakspeare's Seven Ages: Or, The Progress of Human Life

John Evans - 1831 - 322 σελίδες
...Glittering with dew ; nor fragrance after showen ; Nor grateful Evening mild ; nor silent -Yig./i/, With this her solemn bird, nor walk by moon, Or glittering star-light, without THEE, is sweet ! THOMSON, also, whose soul was attuned to tenderness, exclaims : But happy THET, the happiest of their...

An Abridgment of Elements of Criticism

Lord Henry Home Kames - 1831 - 326 σελίδες
...delightful land, nor herb, fruit, flow'r, Glist'ning with dew, nor fragrance after showers, Nor grateful evening mild, nor silent night, With this her solemn bird, nor walk by moon Or glitt'ring starlight, without thee is sweet. PARADISE LOST — BOOK IV. 1. 634. The repetitions in...

Paradise Lost: A Poem, in Twelve Books

John Milton - 1831 - 306 σελίδες
...; nor herb, fruit, flower, Glistering with dew ; nor fragrance after showers ; .• - -Nor grateful evening mild ; nor silent Night, With this her solemn bird, nor walk by moon, 655 •4. Or glittering starlight, withouyiaflwii. sweet. To whom our general ancestor replied : •***...

The English Reader: Or, Pieces in Prose and Verse, from the Best Writers

Lindley Murray - 1832 - 260 σελίδες
...; nor herb, fruit, flow'r, GUst'ring with dew ; nor fragrance after show'rs ; Nor grateful ev'ning mild ; nor silent night, With this her solemn bird...Or glittering star-light — without thee is sweet. But wherefore all night long shine these ? for whom This glorious sight, when sleep hath shut all eyes...

Oeuvres de Delille, Τόμος 5

Jacques Delille - 1832 - 476 σελίδες
...delightful land ; nor herb, fruit, flower, Glistering with dew ; nor fragrance after showers ; Nor grateful evening mild ; nor silent night, With this her solemn...nor walk by moon, Or glittering star-light, without these is sweet. Voir Dieu dans mon époux est ma suprême loi : Une femme doit-elle en savoir davantage...

Collected Essays, Papers, Etc, Τόμος 10

Robert Bridges - 870 σελίδες
...delightful land, nor herb, fruit, floure, clistring with dew, nor fragrance after showers, Nor grateful Evening mild, nor silent Night with this her solemn Bird, nor walk by Moon, Or glittering StarrAight without thee is sweet. 'The variety of images in this passage is infinitely pleasing, and...
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Milton's Epic Voice: The Narrator in Paradise Lost

Anne Ferry - 1983 - 207 σελίδες
...delightful land, nor herb, fruit, floure, Glistring with dew, nor fragrance after showers, Nor grateful Evening mild, nor silent Night With this her solemn Bird, nor walk by Moon, Or glittering Starr-light without thee is sweet. (IV, 639-656) Beginning and ending with "thee," her poem revolves...
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Milton, Poet of Exile

Louis Lohr Martz - 1986 - 388 σελίδες
...delightful land, nor herb, fruit, floure, Glistring with dew, nor fragrance after showers, Nor grateful Evening mild, nor silent Night With this her solemn Bird, nor walk by Moon, Or glittering Starr-light without thee is sweet. [4.641-56] Brief examples of this sort of repetitive technique are...
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A Gust for Paradise: Milton's Eden and the Visual Arts

Diane Kelsey McColley - 1993 - 336 σελίδες
...land, nor herb, fruit, flow'r. Glist'ring with dew, nor fragrance after showers, Nor grateful Ev'ning mild, nor silent Night With this her solemn Bird,...Moon, Or glittering Star-light without thee is sweet. (4.639-56) Eve's rondo, with its gracious, dancelike measures,57 recalls the imagery of Milton's early...
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Creating States: Studies in the Performative Language of John Milton and ...

Angela Esterhammer - 1994 - 276 σελίδες
...land, nor herb, fruit, flow'r, Glist'ring with dew, nor fragrance after showers, Nor grateful Ev'ning mild, nor silent Night With this her solemn Bird,...Moon, Or glittering Star-light without thee is sweet. (PL 4.650-6) Readers have often noted that, even in denying the attractiveness of nature without Adam's...
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