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Βιβλία Βιβλία
" Tis well ! from this day forward we shall know That in ourselves our safety must be sought ; That by our own right hands it must be wrought ; That we must stand unpropped, or be laid low. "
The Works of Lord Byron: With His Letters and Journals, - Σελίδα 293
των George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1833
Πλήρης προβολή - Σχετικά με αυτό το βιβλίο

Vital Forces in Current Events: Readings on Present-day Affairs from ...

Morris Edmund Speare, Walter Blake Norris - 1920 - 300 σελίδες
...by the argument of fear. The United States has not come to where she is through fear. We have known That in ourselves our safety must be sought ; That by our own right hands it must be wrought ; That we must stand unpropped or be laid low. We are a great moral...

The Works of Lord Byron, Τόμος 8

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1922 - 412 σελίδες
...feelings, with unexceptionable sentiments. Though the present work may not equal his former efforts,many of the poems possess a native elegance, natural and...own right-hands it must be wrought ; That we must stana unprop'd, or be laid low. O dastard ! whom such foretaste doth not cheer I We shall exult, if...

The Works of Lord Byron, Τόμος 8

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1922 - 512 σελίδες
...are left, or shall be left, alone — The last that dares to struggle with the foe. 'T is well I — from this day forward we shall know That in ourselves...low. O dastard ! whom such foretaste doth not cheer I We shall exult, if they who rule the land Be men who hold its many blessings dear, Wise, upright,...

the modern student's library

william worsworth - 1923 - 498 σελίδες
...blow! Another mighty Empire overthrown! And We are left, or shall be left, alone; The last that dare to struggle with the Foe. Tis well! from this day...ourselves our safety, must be sought; That by our own right hands it must be wrought; That we must stand unpropped, or be laid low. O dastard whom such foretaste...

Harper's Anthology for College Courses in Composition and Literature: A ...

Frederick Alexander Manchester, William Frederic Giese - 1926 - 906 σελίδες
...victory at Jena and the consequent downfall of Prussia. French troops entered Berlin on October 26. 'Tis well! from this day forward we shall know That...ourselves our safety must be sought; That by our own right hands it must be wrought; That we must stand unpropped, or be laid low. O dastard whom such foretaste...

The Shorter Poems of William Wordsworth

William Wordsworth - 1927 - 734 σελίδες
...1 Another mighty Empire overthrown I And We are left, or shall be left, alone ; The last that dare to struggle with the Foe. Tis well ! from this day...ourselves our safety must be sought ; That by our own right hands it must be wrought ; That we must stand unpropped, or be laid low. O dastard whom such...

The History of the VIII King's Royal Irish Hussars, 1693-[1958], Τόμος 1

Robert Henry Murray - 1928 - 468 σελίδες
...wrote on the news of the overthrow of Prussia, We are left, or shall be left, alone, The last that dare to struggle with the foe. 'Tis well ! from this day...we shall know That in ourselves our safety must be wrought ; That we must stand unpropped, or be laid low. O dastard whom such foretaste doth not cheer...

British Poets of the Nineteenth Century: Poems by Wordsworth, Coleridge ...

Curtis Hidden Page, Stith Thompson - 1929 - 1078 σελίδες
...! Another mighty Empire overthrown ! And We are left, or shall be left, alone ; The last that dare nd thou ? What is here, dost thou know it? right hands it must be wrought ; That we must stand unpropped, or be laid low. O dastard whom such...

Littell's Living Age, Τόμος 228

1901 - 872 σελίδες
...thought in his patriotic sonnets, was an island, ringed by the sea, and sublime In its isolation:— —from this day forward we shall know That in ourselves our safety must be sought. England was not for Wordsworth's imagination the mother of nations, having children armed to speak...

Proceedings of the State Bar Association of Wisconsin, Τόμος 19

State Bar Association of Wisconsin - 1929 - 476 σελίδες
...been so taught (and not least by Jefferson) that they could face the future with courage and say, — "Tis well! from this day forward we shall know That...ourselves our safety must be sought; That by our own right hands it must be wrought; That we must stand unpropped, or be laid low. O dastard, whom such...

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