| John Milton - 1813 - 342 σελίδες
...renown, Bliftd Tbamyris and blind Maeonides, 35 And Tirtsias and Phiiieus, prophets old : Then fted on thoughts, that voluntary move Harmonious numbers; as the wakeful bird Sings darkling, and in shadiest covert hid Tun. s her nocturnal note. Thus with the year 40 Seasons return ; but not to me... | |
| William Scott - 1814 - 424 σελίδες
...were I equall'd with them in renown, Blind Thamyris, and blind Mxonides ; And Tiresias, and Phineus, prophets old : Then feed on thoughts, that voluntary...numbers — as the wakeful bird Sings darkling, and in shadiest covert hid, Tunes her nocturnal note. Thus with the year, Seasons return — but not to me... | |
| Henry Kett - 1815 - 598 σελίδες
...Sion, and the flowery brooks beneath, That wafh thy hallowed_/cc/, and warbling flow, Nightly I vitit Then feed on thoughts, that voluntary move . Harmonious...numbers; as the wakeful bird Sings darkling, and in fli.idieft covert hid Tunes her noctunui! note. Thu* with the year Scafons retw/Ti ; but not to me... | |
| William Scott - 1817 - 416 σελίδες
...equall'd with them in renown, Blind Thamyris, and blind Maeonides ; •• And Tiresias, and Phineus, prophets old : Then feed on thoughts, that voluntary move Harmonious numbers — as tl.e wakeful bird Sings darkling, and in shadiest covert hid, Tunes her nocturnal note. Thus with the... | |
| William Scott - 1820 - 422 σελίδες
...were 1 equall'd with them m renown, BKr.d Thamy ris, and blind Maeonides ; And Tiresias, and Phineus, prophets old : Then feed on thoughts, that voluntary...numbers — as the wakeful bird Sings darkling, and in shadiest covert hid. Tunes her nocturnal note. Thus with the yeari , Seasons return— but not to-... | |
| John Aikin - 1820 - 832 σελίδες
...were I equatl'd with them in renown, Blind Thamyris, and blind Ma;onides, And Tircsins, and Phineus, s `#2+H#2+ 0#2+ shadiest covert hid Tunes her nocturnal note. Thus with the year Seasons return ; but not to me returns... | |
| William Scott - 1819 - 366 σελίδες
...equall'd with them in renown. Blind Thamyris', and blind Msonides ; • And Tiresias, and phineus, prophets old : Then feed on thoughts, that voluntary...numbers — as the wakeful bird Sings darkling, and in shadiest covert hid, Tunes her nocturnal note. Thus with the year, Seasons return— but not to me... | |
| William Scott - 1820 - 398 σελίδες
...were I equall'd with them in renown, Blind Thamyris, and blind Ma'onides ; And Tiresias, and I'hineus, prophets old : Then feed on thoughts, that voluntary move Harmonious numbers — as the wateeful bird '' .' Sings darkling, and in shadiest covert hid, *^, • Tunes her nocturnal note. Thus... | |
| John Milton - 1821 - 226 σελίδες
...were I equal'd with them in renown, Blind Tliamyiis, and blind Maeonidcs ; And Tiresias, and Phineus, prophets old : Then feed on thoughts, that voluntary...numbers ; as the wakeful bird Sings darkling, and in shadiest covert hid Tunes her nocturnal note. Thus with the year Seasons return ; but not to me returns... | |
| John Milton - 1821 - 346 σελίδες
...were I equall'd with them in renown, Blind Thamyris and blind Maeonides, 35 And Tiresias and Phinens, prophets old : Then feed on thoughts, that voluntary move Harmonious numbers ; as the wakeful hird Sings darkling, and in shadiest covert hid Tunes her nocturnal note. Thus with the year 40 Seasons... | |
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