Coarse are his meals, the fortune of the chase, amidst the running stream he slakes his thirst, toils all the day, and at the approach of night on the first friendly bank he throws him down, or rests his head upon a rock till morn: then rises fresh, pursues... British Theatre Comprising Tragedies, Comedies, Operas, and Farces, from the ... - Σελίδα 5των Owen Williams - 1831 - 908 σελίδεςΠλήρης προβολή - Σχετικά με αυτό το βιβλίο
 | Noah Webster - 1814 - 236 σελίδες
...fortune of the chase, Amidst the running streams he slakes his thirst, Toils all the day, and at the approach of night, On the first friendly bank he throws...rock till morn ; • .' Then rises fresh, pursues the wonted game ; And if the following day he chance to find A new repast, or an untasted spring, Blesse-s... | |
 | Joshua P. Slack - 1815 - 340 σελίδες
...fortune of the chase, Amidst the running stream he slakes his thirst, Toils all the day, and at the approach of night "On the first friendly bank he, And if the following day he chance to find A new repas^ or an untasted spring, Blesses his stars, and thinks it luxury. Jub'. Thy prejudices, Syphax,... | |
 | Thomas Dibdin - 1815 - 492 σελίδες
...fortune of the chase ; Amidst the running stream he slakes his thirst ; Toils all the day, and at th* approach of night, On the first friendly bank he throws...upon a rock till morn ; Then rises fresh, pursues bis wonted game ; And if the following day he chance to find A new repast, or an im tasted spring,... | |
 | Daniel Defoe - 1815 - 602 σελίδες
...fortune of the chase ; amidst the running stream he slakes his thirst ; toils all the day ; and, at the approach of night, on the first friendly bank he throws him down, or rests his head upon a rock till room ; then rises fresh, pursues his wonted game, and, if the following day he chance to fiud a netr... | |
 | Elegant extracts - 1816 - 490 σελίδες
...rnnningjitream he slakes his thirst; Toils all the day, and at the approach of night On the first friendly book he throws him down, Or rests his head upon a he chance to find A new repast, or an untasted springy Biases his sure, and thinks it luxury. J»4. Thy prejudices, Syphax, won't discern What virtues... | |
 | James Boswell - 1816 - 500 σελίδες
...fortune of the chace, ' Amid the running stream he slakes his thirst, ' Toils all the day, and at the approach of night, ( On the first friendly bank he...him down, * Or rests his head upon a rock till morn ; ' And if the following day he chance to find ' A new repast, or an untasted spring, ' Blesses his... | |
 | James Boswell - 1817 - 546 σελίδες
...(lie fortune of (herhacr, Amid the running stream he slakes Ins thirst, '¡ml:, all UK day, und at the approach of night, On the first friendly bank he throws him down, Or ul, his hcuil upon a rock till nun u ; л и I if the following day he chance to find A new repast,... | |
 | 1820 - 190 σελίδες
...Amidst the running stream he slakes his thirst; Toils all the day ; and, at th' approach of nigh tf On the first friendly bank he throws him down, Or...untasted spring, Blesses his stars, and thinks it luxury. ADDISON. THE AFRICAN PRINCE. I'VE known young Juba rise before the sun, To beat the thicket where the... | |
 | James Boswell - 1820 - 514 σελίδες
...of night, On the first friendly bank he throws him down, Or rests his head upon a rock till morn ; And if the following day he chance to find A new repast,...spring, Blesses his stars, and thinks it luxury.' Let us have that kind of luxury, Sir, if yon will." JOHNSON. " But hold, Sir; to be merely satisfied,... | |
 | James Boswell - 1821 - 412 σελίδες
...first friendly bank he throws him dowry.^T^N, Or rests his head upon a rock till morn ; / , « • And if the following day he chance to find A new repast,...spring, Blesses his stars, and thinks it luxury.' Let us have that kind of luxury, sir, if you will." JOHNSON. " But hold, sir; to be merely satisfied,... | |
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