Coarse are his meals, the fortune of the chase, amidst the running stream he slakes his thirst, toils all the day, and at the approach of night on the first friendly bank he throws him down, or rests his head upon a rock till morn: then rises fresh, pursues... British Theatre Comprising Tragedies, Comedies, Operas, and Farces, from the ... - Σελίδα 5των Owen Williams - 1831 - 908 σελίδεςΠλήρης προβολή - Σχετικά με αυτό το βιβλίο
 | British theatre - 1831 - 922 σελίδες
...fortune of the chase; Amidst the running stream he slakes his thirst; Toils 'all the ilav, and at th' approach of night, On the first friendly bank he throws him down, Or rests bis head upon a rock till morn ; Then rises fresh, pursues his wonted game; And if the following day... | |
 | 1833 - 828 σελίδες
...running streams he slakes his thirst ; Toils ail the day, and at th' approach of night, On the ilrst friendly bank he throws him down, Or rests his head...pursues his wonted game ; And if the following day he cilanco to lind Л new repast, or an untastcd spring, Blesses Ids stars, and thinks it luxury. Juba.... | |
 | James Boswell - 1835 - 590 σελίδες
...the fortune of the chase; Amid the running stream he slakes his thirst, Toils all the day, and at the approach of night, On the first friendly bank he throws him down, Or ir~N his head upon a rock till morn; And if the following day he chance to find A new repast, or an... | |
 | Joseph Addison - 1837 - 548 σελίδες
...fortune of the chase, Amidst the running stream he slakes his thirst, Toils all the day, and at th' approach of night On the first friendly bank he throws him down, Or rests his heaQ upon a rock till mom : Then rises fresh, pursues his wonted game, And if the following day he... | |
 | David Willard - 1838 - 202 σελίδες
...and lonely wanderings — " He lays him down and rests his head, Upon a rock 'till morn; then rising fresh Pursues his wonted game, And if the following day he chance to find A new repast, or an uniasted spring, . Blesses his stars and thinks it luxury." Nature's volume was open before him, her... | |
 | Acting drama - 1839 - 936 σελίδες
...¡ill the day, and, at the appro.uh of night, >n the first friendly bank ho throws him down, ' >r resU his head upon a rock till morn ; Then rises fresh,...repast, or an untasted spring, Blesses his stars, and thicks it luxury. Juba. Thy prejudices, Syphax, won't discern What virtues grow from ignorance and... | |
 | James Boswell - 1843 - 588 σελίδες
...the fortune of the chase; Amid the running stream he slakes his thirst, Toils all the day, and at the approach of night, On the first friendly bank he throws...him down, Or rests his head upon a rock till morn; And if the following day he chance to find A new repast, or an untasted spring, Ulesses his stars,... | |
 | Jared Sparks - 1844 - 438 σελίδες
...fortune of the chase ; Amid the running stream he slakes his thirst; Toils all the day, and, at the approach of night, On the first friendly bank he throws...him down, Or rests his head upon a rock till morn; And if, the following day, he chance to find A new repast, or yet untasted spring, Blesses his stars,... | |
 | 1894 - 856 σελίδες
...Highlander. The Numidian, he says, rests his head upon a rock at night, and if next day he chances to find a new repast or an untasted spring " blesses his stars and calls it luxury." General Oglethorpe quoted this passage, in an argument about luxury, to Johnson,... | |
 | Jared Sparks - 1847 - 462 σελίδες
...fortune of the chase ; Amid the running stream he slakes his thirst; Toils all the day, and, at the approach of night, On the first friendly bank he throws him down, Or rests hia head upon a rock till morn; And if, the following day, he chance to find A new repast, or yet untested... | |
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