Which of the two to chuse, slavery or death ! No, let us rise at once, gird on our swords, And, at the head of our remaining troops, Attack the foe, break through the thick array Of his throng'd legions, and charge home upon him. Perhaps some arm, more... The Miscellaneous Works: In Verse and Prose, of the Right Honourable Joseph ... - Σελίδα 92των Joseph Addison - 1773Πλήρης προβολή - Σχετικά με αυτό το βιβλίο
| Elegant extracts - 1816 - 490 σελίδες
...let us rise at once, gird on our swords. And, at the head of our remaining troop;, Attack the foe, break through the thick array Of his throng'd legions, and charge home upon him. Perhaps some arm, more lucky than the rest, May reach his heart, and free the world from bondage. [help > Rise,... | |
| 1816 - 784 σελίδες
...Bacon. — That cometh up home to the bufinefs, and taketh off the objection clearly. Sanderfottf— Break through the thick array Of his throng'd legions, and charge home upon him. Addifon, — He makes choice of fome piece of morality : and, in order to prefs this home, he makes... | |
| Increase Cooke - 1819 - 424 σελίδες
...let us rise at once, gird on our swords, And at the head of our remaining troops, Attack the foe,, break through the thick array Of his throng'd legions^ and charge home upon him. Perhaps some arm- more lucky than the rest, May reach his heart and free the world from bondage, Rise* fathers,... | |
| William Scott - 1819 - 368 σελίδες
...— let us rise at once, girtWpPnr swords, And at the head of our remaining troops, Attack the foe, break through the thick array Of his throng'd legions, and charge home upon him. Perhaps some arm more lucky than the rest, May reach his heart, and free the world from bondage. Rise, Fathers,... | |
| William Scott - 1820 - 398 σελίδες
...No— let us rise at once, gird on our swords And at the head of our remaining troops Attack the fee, break through the thick array Of his throng'd legions, and charge home upon him. f erhaps some arm more lucky than the res,t May reach his heart, and free the world from bondage deliberating... | |
| Caleb Bingham - 1821 - 314 σελίδες
...let us rife at once, gird on our fwords, And at the head of our remaining troops, Y Attack the foe, break through the thick array Of his throng'd legions,...the reft, May reach his heart, and free the world irom bondage. Rife, fathers, rife ! 'tis Rome demands your help ; Rife, and revenge her flaughter'd... | |
| William Scott - 1823 - 396 σελίδες
...let us rise at ohce, gird on our swords, And, at the head of our remaining troops, Attack the foe, break through the thick array Of his throng'd legions, and charge home upon him. > Perhaps some arm more lucky than the rest, May reach his heart, and free the world from bondage. Rise, Fathers,... | |
| 1824 - 348 σελίδες
...Let us rise at once ; gird on our swords ; And at the head of our remaining troops, Attack the foe ; break through the thick array Of his throng'd legions ; and charge home upon him, Perhaps some arm more lucky than the rest, May reach his heart, and free the world from bondage. Rise, Fathers... | |
| British drama - 1824 - 834 σελίδες
...let us rise at once, gird on our swords, And, at the head of our remaining troops, Attact the foe, break through the thick array Of his throng'd legions, and charge home upon him. Perhaps some arm more Incky than the rest, May reacli his heart, and free the world from bondage. Rise, fathers,... | |
| 1824 - 660 σελίδες
...let us rise at once, gird on our sword». And, at the head of oar remaining troops. Attack the foe, break through the thick array Of his throng'd legions, and charge home npon hin. Perhaps, some arm, more lucky than the rest, May reach his heart, and free the world from... | |
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