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Βιβλία Βιβλία
" If my inheritance of storms hath been In other elements - and on the rocks Of perils overlooked or unforeseen I have sustained my share of worldly shocks The fault was mine - nor do I seek to screen My errors with defensive paradox I have been cunning... "
Letters and Journals of Lord Byron: With Notices of His Life - Σελίδα 241
των George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1830 - 512 σελίδες
Πλήρης προβολή - Σχετικά με αυτό το βιβλίο

The Quarterly Review (london)

Anonymous - 1868 - 602 σελίδες
...have sustained my share of worldly shocks, The fault was mine ; nor do I seek to screen My errors by defensive paradox ; I have been cunning in mine overthrow, The careful pilot of my proper woe.' It is this unassuming egotism (though in other forms of it) that moves us in Burns and Heine; and it...

The London Quarterly Review, Τόμοι 124-125

1868 - 624 σελίδες
...have sustained my share of worldly shocks, The fault was mine; nor do I seek to screen My errors by defensive paradox; I have been cunning in mine overthrow, The careful pilot of my proper woe.' It is this unassuming egotism (though in other forms of it) that moves us in J'.-nis and Heine; and...

Littell's Living Age, Τόμος 98

1868 - 846 σελίδες
...share of worldly shocks, The fault was mine; nor do I seek to screen My errors by defensive parodox; I have been cunning in mine overthrow, The careful pilot of my proper woe. ' It is this unassuming egotism (though in other forms of it) that moves us in Burns and Heine ; and...

The Life of Lord Byron: With His Letters and Journals, Τόμοι 1-2

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1869 - 644 σελίδες
...overlook'd or unforeseen. I have sustained my share of worldly shocks The fault was mine ; nor do 1 seek to screen My errors with defensive paradox ; I have been...were my faults, and mine be their reward. My whole lifu was a contest, since the day That gave me being, gave me that which niarr i The gift, — a fate,...

Folia silvulae: sive, Eclogae poetarum Anglicorum in Latinum et ..., Τόμος 2

Hubert Ashton Holden - 1870 - 524 σελίδες
...overlooked or unforeseen, I have sustained my share of worldly shocks, the fault was mine ; nor do I seek to screen my errors with defensive paradox; I have been...since the day that gave me being, gave me that which marred the gift, — a fate, or will, that walked astray; and I at times have found the struggle hard,...

A Library of Poetry and Song: Being Choice Selections from the Best Poets

William Cullen Bryant - 1871 - 966 σελίδες
...overlooked or unforeseen, I have sustained my share of worldly shocks. The fault was mine ; nor do I seek to followed their sober pace ; The merry whistle for...the sunny face. Only a boy ! and his father had said marred The gift, — a fate, or will, that walked astray : And 1 at times have found the struggle hard,...


George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1872 - 780 σελίδες
...do I seek to screen My errors with defensive paradox ; I have sustain'd my share of worldly shocks, I have been cunning in mine overthrow, The careful pilot of my proper woe. That gave me being, gave me that which rnarr'd The gift,—a fate, or will, that walk'd astray j Mine...

A Library of Poetry and Song: Being Choice Selections from the Best Poets

William Cullen Bryant - 1873 - 906 σελίδες
...overlooked or unforeseen, I have sustained my share of worldly shocks, The fault was mine ; nor do 1 seek to e man who first invented sleep, (I really can't avoid the iteration ; ) But Ъе their reward, My whole life was a contest, since the day That gave me being gave me that which...

The Poetical Works of Lord Byron, Τόμος 3,Μέρος 1

George Gordon Byron Byron (baron).) - 1873 - 380 σελίδες
...seek to sereen My errors with defensive paradox ; I have been eunning in mine overthrow, The eareful pilot of my proper woe. Mine were my faults, and mine be their reward. My whole life was a eontest, sinee the day That gave me being, gave me that whieh 1uarr'd The gift, — a fate, or will,...

A New Library of Poetry and Song, Τόμος 2

William Cullen Bryant - 1876 - 599 σελίδες
...overlooked or unforeseen, I have sustained my share of worldly shocks, The fault was mine ; nor do I seek to screen My errors with defensive paradox ; I have been...since the day That gave me being gave me that which marred The gift, — a fate, or will, that walked astray : And I at times have found the struggle hard,...

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